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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100.
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Got it ? Let's Start!
bloodyemos wrote:
I know. Sadly most characters were connected to me and so I kinda stopped it
I miss the TMI chars.
Last edited by amaryllis-love (03-06-2015 21:26:45)
As do i
Did I tell you guys Caije is getting me a ring and that I get it this summer?
143 really?! eek post a pic of it when you can!
I had a really weird dream the other night; like I was all old and sinewy and my husband was the same and we had a huge family and we all went on a road trip, and my husband and I were sitting on a bench and he took my hand so lovingly while we were watching the sunrise... and we both DIED. But before we could go to the afterlife Malu woke me up.
146 Dark creepy and ver very sweet at the same time. I dreamed my brother got engaged :P He didn't like the dream for some reason :) Oh and in the dream I got a kitten :3
LOL! My brother(the one who isn't married) would faint if I told him that. He hates even the thought of it. Oh I just realized I never posted the pictures of my brother's wedding, did I?
I seem to be having dreams according to a theme now!
148 I think Malu posted one pic?
Lol. Now in AMary's Dream Theater, a new horror movie which is a sequel of the one you saw last night.
My brother promised to play her a song so he did in the end!
That is so sweet! And they look so happy.
I dreamed Caije died once. Not a great night for me.
And of course I'll give you guys pics! You'll get all kinds of them lol
They lost their first baby though. That was a sad day.
Oh you should have seen them while they were getting married. It was SO CUTE. I can't find any pics of the actual ceremony though >.>
Last night I dreamed that I was the grinch (all hair and green) and my cousin Inaa was giving me a thorough shaving, yapping about how she always wanted to be a Brazilian waxer and that was what she wanted to do with her life. I'm not sure if that's true or not...
Yes pics pls twin :3 I can't wait to see it!!
@Amary- Aww they look so adorable!
Dreams huh, well, I keep having school related dreams...I'm so done with everything >.> I dreamt I failed a class, I dreamt I didn't graduate, I also dreamt about a test that I knew nothing of...Although I think that one came true...
A couple of my friends actually did fail a few subs this sem. I'm going to miss seeing them around my regular classes. But I shall see them around campus!
although that's a lie too. Probably. Definitely.
I dreamed of work a lot
What kinda work dreams, Bloody? Whenever I dream of something like uni or a project I see me getting late/fired/disqualified/forgotten. T_T
Just working. Doing the same things I use to do. I worked at McDonald's for a little over a month and I still to this day dream I work there.
That's a relief. At least you don't get mini heart attacks with those!
I did when I dreamed Caije died. Dark day for me. I've also dreamed other not so kind things.
Ah. I often times dream that I'm killing A. Or torturing him.
Those are always horrible. Caije's mom dreamed she tortured and skinned her ex-husband...and she enjoyed it >.>
They weird me out! I always wonder if I have this subconscious urge to hurt him or something or if I'm going to and I think myself into a cloud of depression :c
What I go to figure is that your dreams taunt you with your worst fear. Like mine is falling and Caije dying....and dinosaurs. I don't know why but I get chased by t-rexes
Amary those pictures are so cute and sweet and stuff! <3
Yeah, I have to agree that dreams are usually my biggest fear. Like last night, I had a dream I missed my entire shift for work because my mom procrastinated, but then the Assistant Manager was like "No, It's cool," and I was like, "It doesn't feel 'cool'." xD A big fear of mine is being late.