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Yeah i know how that feels
Mine would be not getting anywhere! Because in most of my dreams I'm trying to get somewhere but I keep getting distracted so in the end I end up not even having to go there, or not going there.
Yeah, I get those sometimes too, and of course the stressing over a boy dreams, where for whatever reason things keep coming up and either he can't talk to me, or I can't talk to him -.-
LOL! Those are a pain xD And of course there are those very realistic ones that make you think that it actually happened!
The most realistic ones for me are always the morbid ones O-O like my apocalyptic dreams, or the scary ones where something is hiding behind things in my room *Shivers*
I see enough of that stuff awake. Don't need it in my sleep either.
I did have a dream where I thought I missed the bus...Then I woke up and it was dinner time...
I once had this very real dream, where in reality I had lost my phone a few months ago and that night I saw me finding my phone and in the dream I was sooo relieved that I left it on the nightstand before going to bed, and when I woke up I had the same feeling and looked at the nightstand, only to see no phone so I ran around trying to find it, since I was sure I kept it on there the other night xD
I was so disappointed when I found out it was all a dream!
Oh god lol
Ikr. I almost cried that day too. T_T
I go back to Florida to get our stuff this weekend
Ah. Is it a long drive? or do you go by bus or something?
8 hour straight through drive by car
wow that's long. I don't think I have been in a car ride that was longer than four hours.
Last edited by amaryllis-love (05-06-2015 17:39:21)
Try a 16 hour one. Or 3 days...been there. They suck
149 I hate car rides, short or long.
We decided GA isn't working so going to go home to FL.
149 At least you tried right? So you wouldn't wonder 'what if'.
We'll come back on our own dime. Just can't keep doing it like this
Will you go back to the same place as before?
Moving is no fun :( But maybe you can make the best of it, Bloody?
Just in case anyone wonders, I won't be able to log in for a while, because if I do I'll mess something up or something, I dunno? Might be able to get on the board every once in a while, But I know for sure I can't do anything like normal until like the 14th or so. Mini Vay-Cay xD. Just so you're not like, "Where's Neri? >.<"
Good luck neri :3 With whatever you are doing ^^
I'm...actually not doing that much, I'm just not allowed to use that much data during those times ^^" Not only does our internet suck, but it runs on a data thingy. :\
Oh, tis okay :3 You'll be back before you know it ^^
Yeah I'll be going back to the same place but I'm just happy to be going home right now