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XD i forgot what i was going to say. :c
Ummmm...Maybe... Oranges? Because I was thinking of those, and it made me want fruit pizza, but then I forgot to get the stuff at the store :(
hm... fruit pizza with chocolate :mang:
new record?
for the amount of posts before... *points at topic's name*
i wonder how far the count will go this time :B
back in the day when we could barely reach number 20~30
Back in the day? Really? how far back are we talkin'? O_O I know when I started posting it was like that. Really, it was more like ten posts xD
i can't remember XD
my memory has been tricky for a few months :hypn:
i don't think it'll get any better :/ or maybe it would if i'd just stop staying awake until late at night xP
Yeah, I'm not that great at remembering either ^^"
Maybe it is how late I stay up O_O cause I do that too...
00:50 here and i didn't even check facebook yet.
i bet i'll go to bed at 1:30 and i have no clue when i'll actualy sleep xP
I've been going to sleep at like 3 AM every night -.- Like, I'm tired at around 10, but then I don't know what happens, I just can't fall asleep. So here I am, Almost midnight, not able to sleep :(
Hear hear girl. Back in the day we reached over 300 posts. Willow, Anya, Fairy, Coco, and the fabulous Rare were so baffled and I believe Coco was the one to stop it. We won by a long shot. It was hard work but we prospered and I was the head of that millennia of winners :bisous:
woah! 300? let's try to outnumber sparta's army this time XD
i sometimes play games on fullscreen and if the game isn't boring me enough i can easily keep playing until dawn. or when i attempt ambitious projects in sandbox games :p
Well, dang...I think that's pretty amazing, considering how long that takes O_O :applau:
Ah, I see, i can do that with a good book ^^
I think we managed it in 2 days. Once we hit 100, nobody wanted to stop. There was 10 of us on and constantly posting
Last edited by bloodyemos (27-06-2015 15:57:44)
considering the current activity, it'll take us a few weeks to get near that number xP
We'll get to 100 maybe. So close.
ah yes the lovely cat gang. That was when so many people were on at once and everyone's posts overlapped consistently
We had to fix it constant XD I think Malu still had the picture willow made for is on her page!
:gai: :good: :mang:
I think so. Not positive.
Yay, little victory! :)
She posted that picture in the last thread of til a Mod Posts, one of the last pages I think?