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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100.
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Got it ? Let's Start!
I GOT MY JOB BACK! I have to call Friday inquiring uniforms and start next week
CONGRATSSS!!!! That's amazing news!!
Also...I get my pen tomorrow :3 I can start drawing again!!
Last edited by angelfire (05-08-2015 15:28:34)
Yes it is!
That's awesome too for you!
God, I'm so happy for you!!! *squishy hugs!!* :applau:
Thank you :mdr:
Okay I can't think of a style for your contest. Well that's not true. I have two. Avril Lavigne themed or Lindsey Lohan themed...Both are really good. And I like both...
Do which you'd like best. I still have to screenshot Neri's.... >.> I haven't had much time on the computer
Thank you!! Lol
Would you like me to screenshot her's? I can post it onto my post when :3
Yes please if it's not too much trouble
I'll be working over night more
As often as they have me work it
I'm glad you got your job back, Bloody ^-^ I know you've probably said this before, but where are you working?
And I'm glad you're getting a new pen, Angel ^-^ And...ahm, thank you from me also xD
I'm struggling with my signature xD It's funny, cause I know what I want xDD
139 Congrats bloodsy!!
Thank you guys
A maccas Neri (McDonalds)
@Neri - Thank you? What was that for? You're welcome?
It was a thank you For the screenshot business. I would have done it myself but...this internet I have -.-
Maccas? It's funny you call it that. As a kid, me and my family called it Makudonarudo xD Have fun though~! <3
Oh lol you're very welcome! It's no problem really :3
Neri what's your heritage?
My heritage? Uhm....A little of everything, It's actually one of those things where it might be easier to name what I'm not xD I'm mainly Polish/British/Native American/???? I think...I have family everywhere xD
Native American 0.0 I always think it cool to be a mix of everything. Here's boring old me that's purley Pakistani. And roots? Both sides from the same city of India. Which I find extremely strange cuz my parents never knew each other before they got married ^^
Hah, I know, I'm all over xD Sometimes I don't know what to think about myself, since on paperwork, they tell you to only check one -.-
That's not boring though, it's actually kind of interesting. Like how big was this city?
I don't know how big it was but! My mom told me that the city was where the Indian nobility used to live before the separation of India and Pakistan. So...I have royalty blood in me ^^
O.O *Bows* So you have ninja powers, unnie? jk jk. Seriously, That must be pretty cool! Bet that's something cool to whip out every now and then, huh?
I have the ower of the dragon in me >:3 Lol I wish. BUt yeah, I've told a few people that are close to me. I'm like yo. I could be related to a Mughal king.
I'm Anglo Saxton, English, German, Irish, and Polish. Said to say I'm related to Hitler and Daniel Boone. Caije is Russian, German, Irish, Cherokee Indian, and a few other things. Imagine our kids XD
Daniel Boone?
wait searched it up...WOW! Yoou have early settlement in you!! thats amazing!!
Yes I do. That's on my fathers mothers side. She use to have the documents that say so but they got lost.