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Lol I did that in High School and tbh, I hate notebooks now ^^
But I am going to get a small journal type book for scheduling purposes and Ima do that day to day time management system you told me about last year. It really helped then and I think it'll be a life saver now.
Plus this is where the sticky notes'll help too. I remember Twin saying she put her homework due dates on a sticky note that she put on the course's binder. I'm going to do that too
But I don't understand the binder thing you're telling me...
So I take the big binder with me to classes and leave the small ones at home to put the assignments in or vice versa?
@Neri - horse drawn carriage!! Lucky much? was it old fashioned?
Since I'm a cheapskate with money right now, I use a 3-5 subject notebook. Use 1 section poer course. At the beginning of the section, I'll write out my schedule for the year (what is due when from what section of the course) and then afterwards, each week I will take a separate part and right out what needs done. Now since I'm in online courses there isn't much on "lectures" so I don't need a notes compartment. I'm hoping to get better situated if I go to UCF next fall.
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Last edited by neriah10 (10-12-2015 00:17:36)