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Lol, Angel~ ^v^
Interesting~ I didn't know who that was at first either :3 But that's pretty sweet to be able to go back that far ^-^
Y'all didn't? That's american elementary type of learning.
My family isn't very big on...America xD And then I'm home-schooled mostly so >.> lol
Oh makes sense. I'm not very american. Have to be somewhat for my going to be marine fiancé
No, it's not that but each state has it's own curriculum. And they focus on things that mostly concern their state. Like in Virginia, we focus an abnormal amount of time on Thomas Jefferson. I don't know why him of all people but yeah.
Oh yeah >.> Boone founded the Cumberland gap in Kentucky this is why...I get it.
So more good news: we got our house back too!
Yeah!! this the same house with all those thievin neighbors?
Yes. I never wanted to leave that house in the first place
So happy for you!!!!!!! :aomd_bravo:
First night on overnight was easy get hard :hypn:
I'm not working day shifts anymore. It's all over night. Less drama and more fun actually. Just very tiring.
All of it? Well, gives you a stress relief for the morning activities. Do less people come by?
Yes though Saturdays are killer. Night shift is usually under staffed
134 I'm really proud of you, bloodsy. I swear I've been thinking that for a few days now as I silently read this thread but I'm way too emotional these days that every time I started writing it, I almost cried.
... No I'm not going nuts. I already am.
Gosh....I really want watch a chick flick, or maybe Once, get a ton of ice cream and hide under a blanket from the world. Anyone wanna join me?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (11-08-2015 02:19:13)
That means a lot coming from you, Varky. You're a big sister to me and I know life has been chaotic for us all but I'm glad to hear that from you. I'll gladly join you since I've been sick and miserable last few days lol
134 Feeling any better now? Like physically and emotionally?
When it comes to my family situation, yes
I cried when I saw Dollz Story. Just saying :pleur:
Happy days! Now I can't decide if I should do the quest or spree in the store :P Decisions Decisions.
I'm not big on the queet
Just saw the rewards for each...I thought the b-day quests had more things 0.0 They're so less than most other quests :/ But I'm kinda tempted to do the 2014 one
Quest? Aish, I haven't been logging in often enough, I have no $$$ xD And life keeps just dissing me. Like yesterday, I had food poisoning -.- Possibly in the running for the worst day in my life so far -.-