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132. Oh that's sad Neri
Right, twin? I did 2014 on one doll already. Don't need it again. I'd like the Cloud room but the items aren't great..
Neri are you okay??!! what you have in dollz story :3 they have good stuff there!
Twin, sorry I left, mum came in the middle of the convo and sat behind me so she can see the computer and I'm too much in pain from the gym to change my position.
That's alright. I understand
I'm fine. At least now. Yesterday? Couldn't keep water down. Bleh. Aiyah, I feel so weird now, like I haven't eaten in like two days. Probably the case >.>
I hate it when my mom sits behind me like, "Oh, hey, whatcha lookin' at there?" I get cheeky and show her :3 That usually gets her to bother my sisters, who are far more secretive ^-^
Oh wow lol my mother use to be like that
132 Gooooooooood
At work. On break. Waiting on my food. Boring me
I had ordered a Sirloin Steakhouse. I could hardly it they put too much peppercorn sauce on it though. We get a free meal each night we work
That's really cool! I didn't know they did that! I wondr what starbucks does...
I sense someone wants free coffee in their life xD
Hahahaha, I'd kind of like that too to be honest, busy weekend, I held down the fort at work xD I'm so flipping tired right now.
132 Goooooood morning
Coffee's included in the meal! I had a Hazelnut ice coffee this morning
That's brilliant! How're you liking it so far? It's been about a week or two, right?
A little more than a week and it's alright tbh. Just crappy sleep schedule
That's what sucks about working late, messes up your whole relationship with sleep -.-
Like I sleep on work days from 6-7 and attempt to sweat sleep until 12-4
Wooowwee 0.0 It's a good thing you're doing online classes though
No kidding and it's finals week this week. I have two more papers left to write
I don't like writing papers >.< I could write stories forever, but with papers, I go blank
Somebody said it! Lol