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That awkward moment when you slam into a glass door on your way into a store because you were laughing too damn hard at something your cousin's boyfriend said about your cousin. [happened to me.]
That akward moment when you are late for work since you overslept and while driving you see a bloody lone horse coming at you in the middle of the city.
that awkward moment when you are saying bad things of a person to your friend and find out the person you are talking about is that friend's favorite cousin.
That awkward moment when you say something in class and everyone but the teacher hears you...
That awkward moment when you start going behaving like crazy due to lack of sleep. (Me, EVERY NIGHT.)
that awkward moment when you forgot that you were wearing an odd outfit and messy hair and only notice after you're far away from home.
That awkward moment when it's spirit week and you have all your outfits set and you wear something else and you're late >.>
That awkward moment when you sketchbook falls out and everyone sees your drawings...
That awkward moment when you almost put your head down in class and the teacher thinks your asleep so moves your desk to wake you up.
happened to me like twice last year
That awkward moment when you haven't worn heels in a while and you lean over to look and something, lose your balance and fall. :honte:
(I just wanted to see what kind of snake was in the bottom tank at the petshop)
That awkward moment when you say something and get completely ignored.
That awkward moment when you are in an indoors archery class and the arows you're carrying hit the walls all the time while you do a walking-shooting activity...
That awkward moment when you sneeze INCREDIBLY LOUDLY during a presentation.
that awkward moment when you go take ablood exam and the needle is thicker than you remember... AND you look at it.
That awkward moment when you are told to do something and you zone out forgetting what it was that person JUST told you...
(( Always me man. I don't know how I live >.< ))
That awkward moment when you weren't listening and your teacher knows you weren't listening... and then the sorta weird eye contact.. *nods head*
That awkward moment when you accidentaly end up in an acrobacy class, can't scape and you are completely devoid of acrobatic talent and you know it and you HATE that class...
(happened to me this week...)
That awkward moment when you are walking in the wrong direction, and you think turning around would look strange so you just keep on walking in the wrong direction.
lol... when this happens in my city, I will just walk around the block.
That awkward moment when someone ordered you something you don't even like, but eat it anyway so as not to appear ungrateful ;-;
The awkward moment when you arrive in old jeans at a party and realize you were supposed to wear a cocktail dress (y)
That awkward moment when someone hugs you, you don't hug back(when you seldom hug people back) and your mother scolds you and because of that you end up saying stupid unkind things.
That awkward moment when you're trying to ask your boyfriend if he needs to sleep rather than talk but it comes out like, "Do you need to use the sleep?" //killmenow
That awkward moment when you go to the archery class in an awful mood and missfire almost every arrow shot and misshold the bow...
That awkward moment when he answers to THAT by saying, "Maybe you need to use the sleep," dead seriously.
That awkward moment when you say hi to your friend or a teacher in school and your friends whom you don't usually hang out with are walking with you to class and the other person doesn't say hi back mostly because they didn't see you so then your friends think you are a loner or at least you think they think you are but they don't. :)