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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
Hello auntie !! I hope you are ok today !! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you lovely auntie !!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love from your niece Sarah
28/05/2014 à 18:52:40
Wednesday morning votes from SIERRADANE: Happy National Hamburger Day!!
28/05/2014 à 12:42:50
You put so much fun and work in the parties for the children. You must be exhausted by the end of May. Love ya. x0x0x0x0
28/05/2014 à 06:05:50
Tuesday night votes: My daughter came by again today! She's bruised up from that wreck but nothing serious. God was with her for sure =)
28/05/2014 à 04:47:08
You're so nice to me~! :) Please check out my new photos~! Votes from C o o k i e s e z~! :)
28/05/2014 à 01:19:33
No rain yet Lori~! The weatherman said there'd be thunder and lightening with it. But nothing severe~! How's Babydoll's migraines? Love you ~! Becky xoxoxoxoxoxo
28/05/2014 à 01:07:24
Hello auntie !!! Please how are you today ?? Happy Birthday to Kirk !!! Please how is Claudia today ?? I LOVE you with all my heart and soul ! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love from your niece
27/05/2014 à 19:20:43
thank you for your visit and votes ((hugs))
27/05/2014 à 18:26:47
I'm itching to make a cherry pie~!! :)
27/05/2014 à 15:55:13
How is everybody doing? I can't seem to hide that spider very well can I? Let me try again ok? Love you too, Becky xoxoxo