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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
Hello auntie please how are you today ?? :) I love you more than you love me !! Love, hugs and kissies from you feench friends and family ! Xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxox your niece Sarah
23/05/2014 à 19:40:23
I hope you got the PM's from SB. Right after your message I got 3 PM's from not so nice ppl. Ugh.. I may be shutting it down again
23/05/2014 à 04:38:05
Thursday morning votes from SIERRADANE
22/05/2014 à 14:17:10
+2 lorri =D sorry the votes are a bit late
22/05/2014 à 00:25:39
Wednesday morning votes from SIERRADANE
21/05/2014 à 18:52:15
I'm sorry about the PM's... I get odd messages from some players and some are mean. So I have most of my PM closed off for that reason. I'll check and let you know.
21/05/2014 à 08:03:47
warm evening hugs to you. x0x0x0
21/05/2014 à 03:45:18
Hello auntie, my first day at school was cool and hard I had english cl*** !! :) and then sport with a really big sun on our head ! :') please how was your day ! Kissies for you and my american family
20/05/2014 à 18:41:51
Tuesday morning votes from SIERRADANE: My daughter may stay a few days this week. She'll have to sleep in my sewing room; her room is a disaster!