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Vanilla Peanut Butter Fudge votes with warm hugz from Cook iesez~!
17/12/2016 à 04:36:45
Sea otters have the densest fur of any animal, with as many as one million hairs per square inch. Saturday votes from sweettears90.
17/12/2016 à 00:18:53
The temp dropped to 7* last night and is now at 12*....almost hot enough to go swimming!!! NOT!!! freezing votes and hugs from joyceeileen :)
16/12/2016 à 17:30:11
Votes from holly90
16/12/2016 à 09:50:16
It's like we're in the deep freeze~! Brrrrrr~! B, K with Mommy and my help made cinnamon applesauce oranments today~! They smell so good~! Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez : )
16/12/2016 à 05:00:40
A dog in Scotland sat by his owner's grave for 14 years until he pa.ssed away. Friday votes from sweettears90.
16/12/2016 à 03:21:52
Tired votes and hugs from joyceeileen :)
15/12/2016 à 18:39:52
Freezing cold votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~! : )
15/12/2016 à 01:21:04
Frank Sinatra has 3 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: for film, music, and TV. Thursday votes from sweettears90.