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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
Today Mommy went to urgent care and now she has strep~! :( We're thinking of coming home a day early~! Pray me and K don't get it ok? I miss Grandma~! Love you Claudia xoxoxoxo
11/07/2014 à 02:09:47
You look adorable Babydoll~!!! Time for bed again ... well almost~!! But I usually say goodnight here ... Goodnight Babydoll~! ~.~ Sweet dreams~! Love you, Grandma xoxoxoxoxoxo
11/07/2014 à 01:57:29
Antarctica gets very little snow, so why is there snow on the ground? Because the snow that does fall on the continent never melts. Friday votes from sweettears90.
11/07/2014 à 00:36:29
Hello friend! votes and hugs from joyceeileen :)
11/07/2014 à 00:35:27
Votes from Bianca96!
10/07/2014 à 23:33:38
Sounds like you are feeling better now. I'm glad you are.
10/07/2014 à 19:45:28
Thursday votes from historygeek
10/07/2014 à 18:08:48
My muscles hurt, but that didn't stop me to come to my cousin's son's school and watch him during his swimming lessons. Dailies~
10/07/2014 à 12:19:41
I've had a belly ache today. I threw up this morning and haven't felt like eating all day. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning~! Love you Babydoll, Murphy xoxoxoxoxo
10/07/2014 à 03:57:17
I should be back from vacation this weekend. I can't wait to get home though. Mommy's been really sick here at the Outer Banks~! And it was her birthday too~! :( Feeling sad ...