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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
GM Babydoll~! Sleep well? I did~! Nothing like your own bed~ although we had a good bed at the lodge~! How's your chest? Better I hope!! Love you, Grandma xoxoxoxo
07/07/2014 à 15:19:45
Monday morning votes from SIERRADANE: I'm going to take it a bit easy today... DVing... sleeping... sitting...
07/07/2014 à 12:48:32
Planning a girls' day out with my friends before some of us leave for the university. I hope the weather on Wednesday won't be a hindrance to our plan. Votes~
07/07/2014 à 08:44:10
We were so close to the fireworks this year that I got scared and asked Daddy to take me home. :( They were loud~! I cried.... Karlee was enjoying them. I also burnt my finger on a sparkler. xoxoxo
07/07/2014 à 04:37:18
Goodnight Babydoll~! Sweet dreams~! Love you always and forever, Grandma xoxoxoxoxoxo
07/07/2014 à 04:16:09
How are you feeling Babydoll~! Did you have a nice 4th of July? I LOVE you with all my heart and soul~! Always and forever, Grandma xoxoxoxo