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Sydney is dressed up like in Season 1, Episode 4: Doppelganger:


This doll is based on the character of Sydney Bristow, from the TV show ALIA[S]. I was inspired to make a doll based on her, because my husband and I watched our way through all 5 seasons of ALIA[S], and the main character wears so many different outfits throughout the show!

Account goals/room designs:

Loft – beach/island home with Vaughn – retirement (complete)

Duplex: 2nd floor – park/restaurant mission scene – Sark in picture (complete)

Venetian Palace – art show/fight over artifact with Allison Doren (complete)

The Concert Hall – old church with Rambaldi artifact in window. Nemesis Anna Espinosa there to fight Sydney for it (incomplete)

Veranda - undecided yet

Japanese Palace - Nayoshi Ginza - Syd poses as a geisha to apprehend Sloane.

African Room - random African safari mission

Penthouse - 

Christmas Room - Syd & Vaughn’s regular LA apartment?

Disco - nightclub mission scene (somewhat complete)

Panther Cave - CIA headquarters

Floating Palace -



·         Has an attic

·         Perhaps finish to Level 100 to get extended loft, place beach window and beach pieces on right side of loft


·         Casino room eventually, hopefully?


I'm hoping to dress this doll up in various other ALIA[S] outfits over time, as well :)


Alias is an American action television series created by J.J. Abrams which was broadcast on ABC for five seasons, from September 30, 2001 to May 22, 2006. It stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, a CIA agent.

The main theme of the series explores Sydney's obligation to conceal her true career from her friends and family, even as she ***umes multiple aliases to carry out her missions. These themes are most prevalent in the first two seasons of the show. A major plotline of the series was the search for and recovery of artifacts created by Milo Rambaldi, a Renaissance-era character with similarities to both Leonardo da Vinci and Nostradamus. This plot and some technologies used in the series pushed Alias into the genre of science fiction.

(info posted on the Wikipedia page for Alias)


Anywho...I love votes/comments on ANY of my dolls (not just my main!) and I'm not picky on receiving +2 votes. I could care less about keeping my doll/loft votes balanced. Votes are to be earned, not demanded! :)

- Please DO NOT send me chain mails - that's one of the fastest ways to annoy me and to get yourself reported to a mod (it's against the rules - see the forum for more in ation)
- Votes that are demanded will not be returned.
- Please don't comment on my page: "Vote for me and I'll vote for you" because I find that pretty lame.
- Also, please do NOT demand "+2" votes because I don't just give those out blindly. If your loft is empty, is a mess, is full of adventure items thrown here, there and everywhere, or just looks like you haven't spent any time on it or aren't going anywhere with it - guess what!? I WON'T vote for it. Shocker, I know...

If I sound grumpy, it's just because I'm tired of people doing all of these things to me. I'm a nice person, really, just not if you get on my nerves, apparently....


Feel free to leave comments/questions for me here.
Hope your day is splendid! :)



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This is not strictly a 'voting account.'

Age Type City Country
38 years Woman CANADA
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