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21/05/2014 à 07:02:59

Read all the com'z

allestra has 2 goodness points.

Video Game Developer

Hello to all, hope you are having a great day.


I have been goth since before it was called "goth", so pardon if you often see dark colors and deep colored items floating around in my loft.



BTW - I am over 30 and my favorite thing in the world is my dog, Petie. He turned 7 in April and he is a rescue dog from a puppy mill. He's very shy but once in a while I can manage to take a picture of him being his cute little self. He's very sweet and affectionate but very shy around other people except his Aunt Stevie who he absolutely adores.


Petie is a Lhasa Apso who prefers to keep his hair short (which is fairly common for non-show dogs), loves white rawhide bones and Marrowbones with his Kibbles 'n Bits. He also likes to sneak a little bit of fried gizzards now and again and will try to convince Aunt Stevie and Mommy to give him some sandwich (he loves tuna salad), but they don't process food changes well so if he gets any, it's only a small amount and only occasionally.


Here are a few pictures of him that I've taken over the  years.. he's really flourished since I've had him and he just got a haircut, so i will try to post a picture of that soon.

Age Type City Country
50 years Woman
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Stephen King Heavy Metal/Goth Metal Too many to pick just one! Almost anything Mexican
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Black, Blue, Purple, Red NCIS, Bones, Castle, Being Human

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