status; back again
listening to; emmure
Amanda Mae Benz- 16- Taken - Pans.exual/ Gender blind
My name is Amanda, obviously. For some God forsaken reason, I care about people too god*** much. So if you're going to message me, be prepared to stay. Don't ask me why I have trust issues. I'm a bitter person yet capable of being the nicest girl you've ever met. I love dogs and babies. I have a slight obsession with pugs. My favorite band is Shinedown. I listen to heavy metal, death metal, black metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, yadda yadda yadda. I have only a few close friends. (Most of my friends left.) I enjoy nicknames. For some reason I doubt anybody is still reading this but I guess I'll keep typing. I read. I write; poetry mostly, but also short stories. I play the keyboard in my freetime. I skate. My biggest fear is moths (don't ask why.) I still am unsure of what the point of my life is. I guess it's just to be.
Message me, maybe?
Age | Type | City | Country |
0 years | Woman | Illinois | US |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
Marilyn Manson | metal | TFIOS | pecans |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
grey | counselor | Clarence | skating |