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+2 from Arlekinlain! :3
09/06/2024 à 18:22:54

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Hey there,

I have several other accounts, my 'main' one being under the name 'snortmort'. 

This is not a voting account, this is just merely an extra account to play with. My husband and I were watching the movie 'The Princess Bride'  and I felt inspired to create a Princess-Bride themed account, since it's my all-time favourite movie.

I named the account 'asyouwish' because that's what Westley always says to Buttercup in the movie. Any decent Princess Bride fan knows this and would recognize the reference :)

Doll Goals and Room Guide:

Loft – castle: banquet and bedroom (complete)

1001 Nights – castle courtyard scene at the end of the movie: 4 white horses (nearly complete)

Royal Palace - undetermined

Haunted Castle – fire swamp with the Dread Pirate Roberts’ ship at the end (incomplete – oh, how I miss thee, Dollz Story!)

Magic School – undetermined

Broadway - Miracle Max's house

(has VIP – useless, though)


·         Has an attic

Private messages are always welcome - I usually will try to respond to them fairly soon after I receive them! I do not return demanded votes, nor do I blindly give out "+2" because I think that's ridiculous. I vote for dolls and lofts that I think have been well put together. 


Original Cover

Updated Cover

20th Anniversary Edition Cover


The Characters:

Westley - the hero


Buttercup - Westley's lady-love


Princess Buttercup - the same person, just 5 years later and now she's a princess engaged to be married to the Prince and her Westley is dead (or, so we're led to believe)!


Prince Humperdinck - the ruler of Florin, the country where the story takes place, and Buttercup's pig fiance


Vizzini - a scheming, self-proclaimed genius criminal hired by Humperdinck to kidnap Princess Buttercup and frame the neighbouring country of Guilder for the crime - all so that Prince Humperdinck can start a war - his favourite thing to do!


Inigo Montoya - a Spanish swordsman who worked for Vizzini 'to pay the bills'. His ultimate goal is to take revenge on The Six-Fingered Man who murdered his father 20 years ago.


Fezzik - a giant with a gentle personality who works for Vizzini along with Fezzik.


The Man In Black/The Dread Pirate Roberts - a.k.a. Westley - he comes after Vizzini to rescue Buttercup and to be reunited with her at long last


Count Rugen - Prince Humperdinck's advisor and also The Six-Fingered Man (Inigo's sworn enemy!)


The Albino - works for Count Rugen in The Pits of Despair


Miracle Max & his wife, Valerie - a miracle man who used to work for the king until Prince Humperdinck fired him. He nurses a strong grudge against the Prince for this. He's also a big fan of a niiiiice "MLT - Mutton, Lettuce, Tomato sandwich".


The Impressive Clergyman - he per s 'mawwage' ceremony for Prince Humperdinck & Buttercup

The King - Humperdinck's father. He doesn't really do much and he's pretty clueless, but also extremely amusing


Booing Old Lady - appears in a dream Buttercup has, booing her for choosing to marry Prince Humperdinck in order to keep Westley safe


Rodents Of Unusual Size - these are giant rats that live in the Fire Swamp in Guilder (one of the Three Terrors of The Fire Swamp). Westley and Buttercup are attacked by once whilst p***ing through the Fire Swamp - Westley is bitten very badly, but he manages to dispatch the beast. Much thanks to n0regrets for alerting me to the fact that I'd forgotten to mention these guys on here! lol







So, as you may have noticed, I'm a bit of a big fan of The Princess Bride. Have you ever seen it or heard of it? Let me know! I love to meet fellow fans! :)

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