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♥ ♥ ♥


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Hi, this is b2utifulshow, nice to meet you ♥ You can also call me Ever~

How are you all doing? (: So uhm... hmm... what can I say about myself? Well, to begin with, if you couldn't tell already from my name and my background image, I'm a huge kpop fan~ Be prepared for a whole bunch of pictures later on of the groups I love ☼

I love animals, especially dogs, even though I don't own one myself. >: I go to high school, and yes,  -insert gasp here-, I'm pretty sure I have a life, so I'll try to be on as much as possible, but my deepest apologies if I can't find time for it in my schedule and you feel as if I'm ignoring you. I'M SORRY for my probable hiatuses in advance.

Actually, forget about the having a life part xD I'm still looking for a store that sells them, so please, if you have any idea where I can get one, let me know, okay? D: I may not have (much of) a life; however, I still hold my head up high. I'm the nerd you'll find with her nose buried in a book (usually fantasy or realistic fiction) in the library that cares about her grades, yet knows how to have fun at the same time ♣

I may not be Korean myself, but I'm still proud to be the Asian I am, at heart, and on the outside appearance :D Besides, who says you have to be Korean to like kpop? Exactly, no one, so all you haters out there, please stop being prejudice and try to see why I appreciate these groups instead ^^

I'd love to become friends with anyone I meet, so feel free to leave a comment or PM me about anything at all, from Kpop to music to even book recommendations. You'll never know me if you don't talk to me, and believe me, there is more to me than this page. (Though a lot of me is in here already, just saying o.o) I promise I won't bite~ ♪

Anyways, that's enough about me, so ONWARDS to my dearest Kpop groups ☺

(Warning: This segment may be very, very lengthy)


Favorite Song as of Now: So hard to choose ): but I would have to say Beautiful Night

Bias: Lee Kikwang ♥

Pictures ~ ♠


Yoseob and Kikwang Oppas :D


2. SNSD/Girl's Generation

Favorite Song as of Now: Babysteps by the TaeTiSeo subgroup (:

Bias: None, as of now ^^


Favorite Song as of Now: This Is War

Bias: Undecided; either Thunder or Joon >:


Favorite Song as of Now: Tied between Insane and Irresistible Lips and ofc, WOW

Bias: Hyunsik

OMG, it's Hyunsik oppa ~ ♥ Don't eat flowers ):


5. Big Bang

Favorite Song as of Now: Tell Me Goodbye

Bias: None. o.o

5. SHINee

Favorite Song as of Now: Hello

Bias: Choi Minho

Age Type City Country
27 years Woman New York ♥ US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
BEAST ~ Kpop (:
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby

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