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badwolf has 0 goodness points.


Peace and love, B.

MDD Refugee :)

Bad Wolf is: A post-college kid who studied English, Business, & Art History. A synesthete (so 3+red=8 makes sense to me!). A major fan of Supernatural & Doctor Who. Recently returned for Italy where I was living and pretending to speak the language. VERY Sagittarius. A lover of Arte/Scienzia!

These are a few of my favourite things: Rock & roll, Irish dance, Da Vinci, Summertime, Kayaking, Fireflies, Lightning storms, Emily ***inson, Keats, AC/DC, History, Astronomy, Mythology (Dionysus is my favourite), Phi Mu, making people feel good.

My Library: The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Dress Lodger, 1984, Brave New World, Harry Potter, The Tipping Point, Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Daring Book for Girls, Wuthering Heights, The Mother Tongue.

Over the next few years, I'm going to be studying to be a doctor of natural medicine and I'm totally excited.

And just remember, being a rocker is more than just what you wear!!


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Age Type City Country
37 years Woman UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Johnny Depp Folk Across the Universe Guinness
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Green Writer White Collar Irish dance

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