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Vote your a very good friend thanks votes+2
29/11/2015 à 07:40:10

Read all the com'z

beckzygstyle has 0 goodness points.

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Hey My name is Nicole I'm a pretty girly girl I love pink !! I'm really new so I need friends and votes if you leave your name then I will text you and vote thank you so much feel free too add me as friend, text , and also vote for me I want to be famous like you I love you gals so much thank you bye :) If you want to learn more about me just read below thx 4 checking my loft :)< title="{#news}" src="tinymce3/javas/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/news.gif" border="0" alt="{#news}" />😘I would love everyone to join oh my dollz club we get to message and meet new people and do competitions I'm trying to hire the second boss so text me too be it

Hi cuties I'm a version of beckygstyle feel to vote for my main account 

Keep calm and love BeckyGStyle 

~~~~Love &Votes ~~~~ 


Age Type City Country
20 years Woman US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Selena Gomez , Taylor Swift Selena Gomez , Becky G , Taylor Mean Girls Pizza , Hotdogs
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Pink , Light blue , Purple Singer , Olympian , Vet A.n.t Farm Shopping

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