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cherrylord has 0 goodness points.


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Style inspiration - Itachi Uchiha from Naruto

"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts… their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"

- Chapter 385 page 6


About Itachi

hobby: visiting traditional Japanese cafés

favourite foods: cabbage and onigiri with seaweed in it

 least favourite: steak

I can be highly perceptive, observant, discerning, analytical, and intelligent. Very quick-witted, controlled, disciplined and clear-headed, quick-thinking, showing a great maturity, responsibility and intuitiveness; rarely being caught off guard or deceived.

One thing that you should know about this account/page is that it all revolves around the character Itachi not actually me. 


Thanks for visiting my page.

Age Type City Country
31 years Man Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Myself As long as I can sleep through it, it is good When Naruto Dies Sweet Dango
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
The one no one messes up Sleep Naruto Sleeping

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