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cloclo34630 has 0 goodness points.


Hello :) I'm French, called Chloé and I'm 16 years old ^^

I wrote this short story for an êxercise in English :) Say me if you like :D

I was inspirated (?) from the music video "Why why" by Shannon Williams :) 

Thank very much to Rheasilvia who had corrected me :3 If you have other modification to say me I'm listen :) I'm really bad in English isn't it ? :')

The Shannon's Nutella.


Yesterday Shannon and her friends stayed in the clâssroom during the break. One of the girls accidentally spilled coffee on the desk of the teacher. Once he returned he falsely accused the poor Shannon, who received a punishment. The next day, she had to clean the entire clâssroom during the break and after school.


It was ten o'clock and the bell finally rang to announce the break. Shannon sighed and went looking for the bucket and the mop who wisely waited him to the School life. Shannon took the bucket with both hands, the mop was already soaked in water. Then she set out for the clâssroom she had to clean. The clâssroom was in the next building of the gym. Shannon had to go through the gym to get to the other next building and Shannon had to though the gym to get there. The weight of the bucket already began wearing the girl down. She went back into the gym where a group of boys was playing basketball. Shannon curiously approached the basketball court. A shiver went down her spine when her eyes fell upon the boy who was running with the ball. Boom Boom! Her heart began to beat faster. Her eyes widened as she stared at the boy. He continued to play the game and set a goal. He celebrated this success with his friends before realizing the presence of Shannon who was still staring. The bucket fell out of her hands. She blushed. A the same time the boy waved his hand and said something but Shannon couldn't hear him. She didn't know what to do so she just stayed in the same spot. Suddenly the ball hit her head knocking her out immediately.


Shannon woke up half an hour later in a bed in the infirmary. When she asked the nurse how she got here, he replied that she was carried by a by from basketball team. The nurse also gave her a message from the professor who was telling her to go clean the clâssroom as soon as she felt better. She retrieved her bucket and her mop and went towards the clâssroom. Along the way a voice called out “Hey you!” Shannon turned around and recognized the boy she stared at earlier in the gym. Once he arrived trotting near her, the boy asked, “You're the girl who was hit by the ball a bit earlier, aren't you?

-Hmm... she agreed shyly looking down the bucket she was holding in her hands.

-Is your head better? he asked.

- Oh, yes... she replied surprised. But I must go and thank the one who brought me to the infirmary!”. The boy smiled and put his hands in his pockets. “Well go on, I'm listening. He said cheerfully.

-Eh?” Shannon realized a few seconds later. “It's... she began.

- Yes, it was me who brought you”, continued the boy while laughing. Confused Shannon stammered before finally uttering an articulate "thank you". The boy laughed again, adding “No worries!”. He waved his hand and turned to leave trotting. Shannon just stood there with the bucket in her hands a few minutes. Her face was really red. Then she finally came to her senses and went back to the clâssroom to clean. The thought of the boy, his face, his smile, his laughter couldn't leave her mind.


At night Shannon fell flat on her bed. She remained in this position for a few minutes. When she finally turned around her face was all red. With a sight she put her hands on her cheeks. “I'm hot...” she said. She then fanned her face. The image of the boy remained anchored in her brain. It was the first time for Shannon to feel this weird. She decided to take control of the situation, she stood up and sat down at her desk. She looked through all the drawers and finally got her hands on a notebook. The girl pulled it out and placed it before her. The notebook was blue and pink with a cute pattern. When she was still a schoolgirl, she and her friends found it in a stationery shop and each of them decided to buy one. It was supposed to serve as a diary where they would write down all the important things. To date, Shannon hadn't even once touched the book. But now the situation was serious. The girl had fallen in love. It was love at first sight! From that day on she always kept her notebook in her purse.


A week after the incident of basketball or rather the love at first incident Shannon obtained the name and the clâss of her savior. But in case somebody recognized him, she started calling him “Nutella” because she liked that. She immediately started adding things about Nutella into her notebook.

At midday in the canteen she sat down at the same row of tables as him but he left shortly after her arrival. Shannon noticed that he had forgotten his canteen card. She immediately grabbed the card and tucked it in her bag. She finished eating with her friends and explained she had to look for somebody before going to search for Nutella. Of course she put little to no effort into finding him because in a week she had already remembered his habits. Shannon turned into the corridor where Nutella's locker was. The boy was there putting his things into his backpack. At that point he began searching the bottom of his bag realizing he lost his canteen card. Shannon saw the scene and starting developing a plan. When he leaves his locker and he would spend loan of her, she would end up by chance in front of him and give him his card. She quickly prepared herself. She applied some lipstick and pulled out the card. Shannon finally heard the locker close. She combed his hair in three moves, waited for a few seconds and went out of hiding. And then she saw that Nutella was now accompanied by his friends. She turned around and hid again. The girl waited until Nutella and his friends left. She sighed. Her plan didn't work out and she still had his canteen card with her... She went back to her friends empty-handed. During the English course at the beginning of the afternoon an idea crossed the mind of Shannon. She knew that Nutella had tennis lessons from 3-5 pm. She decided she would wait up to 5 pm even though her course was ending at 4 pm.


During the day she came up with a small plan that she wrote down in her blue and pink notebook. Shannon decided she would buy a refreshing drink and a tissue for Nutella and would give them to him together with the canteen card. She was waiting until the end of the hour in the stands of the gym, watching. Shannon chose a place where she hoped no one would notice her however after 10 minutes of waiting her eyes met with his. He noticed her and gave her a smile before the professor recalled his attention. Shannon immediately became red. She placed the can on the chair next to her in case the ice inside melted due to her hot hands. During the rest of the time Shannon continued to stare at Nutella, who threw her a look a few times smiling. The bell finally rang and Shannon left her seat to reach the ground floor of the gym. Nutella, who was accompanied by his friends, saw that Shannon was looking at him and guessed she wanted to see him. He waved his hand telling her to wait. She waited patiently and a few minutes later Nutella came trotting. He had already changed and his hair was messy. “You wanted to see me? he asked while Shannon got up.
-Uh... Yes, if you don't mind of course...
- No, don't worry” he replied, smiling. And so Shannon offered him first the tissue to wipe the last drops of sweat and then the drink which he accepted with joy. 
The were walking toward the exit of the building and talking together. Shannon finally came up with the courage to talk about his canteen card. When Nutella saw the card in Shannon's hands he couldn't believe his luck and grabbed it happily. Shannon blushed but managed to explain how she had found the card. Nutella took a look embarrâss
ed stating that he didn't pay enough attention to his belongings. And then suddenly he looked baffled. “But, in fact... How did you know it was MY card?” he asked. Shannon shivered. It was true that they were never properly introduced and normally she wouldn't have known his name. She quickly remembered how she had discovered his identity and tried to make up a story that wouldn't make her look too weird. She didn't want him to think she was a stalker! “Uh... she began. I saw you at your locker last time and I thought that I needed to know the name of the person who had brought me to the infirmary... So I just saw your name”, she explained without being sure that it's a credible response. But Nutella just smiled and said “I understand”. That answer was enough for him. Shannon relaxed and smiled. Thus the two high school students left for home.

At night Shannon took out her notebook. She described how she spent her day but mostly the story with Nutella. Once finished she added two object she had secretly recovered from Nutella... The tissue she had offered him to wipe a little sweat and the straw he used to drink the drink. Satisfied with herself the girl closed the notebook, tucked it in her bag and went to eat.

Before bed, Shannon decided to write a Letter to Nutella. They knew each other only for a week but she was sure of her feelings. She then pulled out a pretty piece of paper. But before the letter was finished she wrote a dozen drafts. Shannon was getting tired. She rewrote the letter cleanly and even added a few small drawings. Finally she fold it in half and put in an envelope, which she closed with a sticker in the shape of heart. Then she finally went to bed. The next morning Shannon waited for the break to give her letter to the boy. Her heart beat rapidly and she was considering all the possible outcomes of her declaration. Finally during the break she walked toward the Nutella's locker. Luckily for her he was alone. With the letter in her hand behind her back she took a deep breath and stepped into the hallway. Nutella was putting away his belongings. Suddenly another boy entered the hallway to the right of Shannon. He passed beside her. Shannon was following the boy's face and even turned around to continue watching him. Boom Boom! After three more step the boy turned toward the high school girl who continued to stare at him. She blushed. Her letter fell to the ground.



Age Type City Country
26 years Woman France UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
BAP, G-Dragon K-pop, J-pop
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
mangaka drawing

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