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So, I reached down to the bottom and pulled out a small sliver ring with a purple heart on it. Leyla looked at me in a way that said, "I'm sorry you might not be able to have any fun." I looked at the guy (drake. This was the time we first met) who had stood up. No one had ever even seen his face. He was always facing the ground and didn’t talk much to anyone. You wondered who had even invited him. He trudged gloomily to the closet and you followed. You heard a few people whisper some things out of pity and you sighed. I shut the door behind us. I just stood awkwardly there for a few minutes, but his silence for some reason started to make you angry. "What's your problem?" I asked and I started freakin out on him, waving my hands all over the place, looking frantically around the closet. "Why are you like this? Do you realize that you freak, like, the whole school out? No one has ever even seen your face, dude! Much less would have invited you to this party. Why are you so quiet and depressed all the time?" I finished my rant and finally brought my eyes back to him and I gasped. he had stopped rocking and had looked up at me. Shock and hurt across his face. My mouth hung open. His eyes were.....the deepest, brightest, most beautiful shade of blue I had ever seen. He blushed like mad as he quickly stared back down at the floor. "I'm sorry." He told me. "That you and your schoolmates feel that way." his voice was melodious and sweet. He slowly got up the courage to look up at me again, but decided against it and hung his head once more. He actually chuckled a bit though, a sound that made me giggle a bit... He stared into my eyes. I smiled at him. It was like he was looking right through me. He smiled and looked away from me. "I'm sorry. You're just......really beautiful." he sort of whispered the last part so I had to lean in really far to hear him and then he turned back to me. Our faces were just centimeters away because of me leaning though. I tried to get back to your original position, but I tried it too fast and I just ended up falling all over myself (and right on top of him). I gasped and then turned the brightest shade of red ever. "I'm sor-" but before I could finish my apology, his lips crashed into mine with unimaginable fervor. He took me into his arms and held me tight to him as he pressed his lips hard into mine, kissing me with a p***ion I had never even known to exist. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip and I don’t know what happened to me but I just opened my mouth to let him explore every inch of it, just as his hands were conquering my figure. He pulled me up to straddle him and I placed my hands against his chest to balance myself. I could feel his heart beat, faster and faster, and his warm, sweet, ragged breath on my neck as he politely waited for me to regain a healthy oxygen level. "How could you see enough through your hair to know if I was beautiful or not?" As I asked this question he chuckled again, causing me to giggle (his laugh was so cute!). his hands squeezed at my thighs. "practice." He told you in his angel voice. I blushed and stared into his eyes as he looked at me, smiling. "I'm Drake, by the way." "I'm Hailey." I smiled at his name. I leaned in to kiss him again, but Leyla knocked on the door lightly. "um....It's time to get out guys." Leyla opened the door and freaked out seeing me on top of Drake like that and guffawed when he looked up at Leyla, she got a look at those blue eyes of his. We shyly got up and he actually, to my surprise, grabbed my hand, smiled and whispered in my ear, "come with me." They all watched I as you left, totally jealous. He brought me over to a gray corolla. "Do you wanna come back to my place?" I nodded, not really able to say much more. He smiles and I couldn’t help but do the same. His smiles look so sincere and innocent. He bites his bottom lip and then I noticed that he opens the p***enger door for me and I got in. he shuts it behind me and walks quickly to the driver side. He steps in and starts the car, driving off to a house not too far away from where I lived. "hey! i live, like two blocks from here." I said then he blushes and something tells you that he had already known that, which made me kind of blush too. He pulls into the driveway of a creme, two-story house and turns the car off. We both kind of wait there awkwardly for a second, before he lets out a nervous, shaky breath and gets out, letting me go out too. He walked me up to the door and we were in his house. I didn't get a real good look around before he grabbed my hand and almost dragged me upstairs. I laughed. "Such urgency." and as he shuts the door to his awesome room and I turned around to smile at him, the feel of his lips crushed against mine once again becomes the center of my focus. He picked me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck and draped me across his bed. He stopped kissing me for a minute to stand straight up and pull off his hoodie and his shirt and throw them to the side. I blushed, looking away from his bare chest and he smiled at my reaction as he laid down on top of me. He kissed me like there's no tomorrow and slips my shirt off as well, working his way down to both our pants, I, helping of course, we both struggling to keep our lips locked throughout the whole process. I bite his bottom lip as I rolled on top of him, working my way to straddle him once again. He moaned lightly as I grinded against him, and I could feel him rise and press against the light fabric that is the only thing that stops him from entering me. I quivered and my breathing comes out short and hot. "Hailey?" "Yes, Drake?" "Do you want me to use a condom?" he asked “If you have any…”. I replied He smiled sheepishly and said “I don’t have one…. My sister stole them.” “I have a condom in my bag, in your car. I would have to change and go back downstairs just to get it.” “Well, as long as you’re fine with me not using one” he replied I nodded. He picked up my legs and pulling down the covers from underneath me, getting in and pulling them over to us. He pressed his soft, raw lips against mine again and we slipped off the rest of our clothes. He pulled me closer to him, stopping his kisses for a brief moment while he brings himself slowly to my wet center and pressed into me with a gentle push. Once he was inside, his lips continued and he slid in and out, in and out, ripping against my core with a fiery need, all the while getting faster and harder. My breathing turned into moans and low screams and whispers of approval into each others' ears. I sensed his exhaustion as I neared my end as well. We let out simultaneously loud groans of erupting pleasure as he let go inside me. Slowing his thrusting to a tender and finishing ***ault. He then stopped and we held each other, staring into one another's tired eyes and smiling. I pecked him delicately on his soft lips and we fell asleep in each other's arms.So in the morning, he asked me to be his, I said yes. After 3 weeks I had 5 pregnancy tests and I was pregnant with a baby girl.

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