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flameranq has 10 goodness points.

Haute Couture Designer

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12/05/16 Third place in The OhMyLoft

themed: One facade, one interior

and also:

my doll, Alistair got second place at the same theme!!





02/03/2016 I found a really nice place, old theatre! I'm gonna make it my painting studio. 


12/21/15 I'm still not quite happy with my Christmas room..


11/14/15 My very own hat butique is nearly finished in my Paris - room! Still needs some touches here and there ^^




 9/14/15 My other two dollz won the OhMyLoft!

Valyeria came first and Alistair third :>




My other dolls are:

 valyeria alistair 




{#montr}P.S. While voting dailies, I usually leave silent votes.



~ My gifts ~

 A gift from Lilysummers 

 Gifts from Danutzik65

 Gifts from AnyaMalfoy

 A gift from Savynn2

 Gifts from Historygeek

 Gifts from Starrynights

 Gifts from Saphie1

 Gifts from Adrlynne

Gifts from Yuuki07

 A gift from Rubyheartz08

 A gift from Aluralegend

 Gifts from TuvaB

 A gift from Andybel

 A gift from Xlollipopbunnyx

A gift from Zarinen

 Thank you so much for your kindness{#star}<3





~ Achievements{#aomd_bravo} ~

Winner of The Fashion Show!! (November 20, 2012)

and Winner also at 04-05-2015 Fashion Show themed: So Stylish 

Thank you dear voters <3

Age Type City Country
32 years Woman Finland Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Ewan McGregor Poets of the Fall, The Crash, Studio Killers, Michael Jackson seafood
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
green stylist, entrepreneur Project Runway, Emmerdale drawing, painting, photographing

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