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isachouchiva has 1 goodness points.




 ~ ~ Welcome in my Mannor...  ~ ~

PS : be careful of where you put your feet ... I'm decorating it ! I tidy up ! =^._.^=


Hello y'all, my name is Isachouchiva. ( of course you can call me Isa if it bores you to write this all! *laugh* )

This is my new doll (I already have a doll of the same name on the French version of the game! ^_^ ) Yes because  I live in France  , I sometimes do mistakes in my speaking but I manage not to! *crisped smile* [Doll created on the 22 july 2011]


I am a dragon ( of purple colour lol ) , and of course my birthdtate is a fake, I am actually 3 000 years older...


OMG! the villain from Sleeping Beauty! ( a dragon doesn't really look like this lmao)


Yeah, more realistic this way. *laugh*

[ Dragons are in fact totally forbidden to divulgate real photos on the Net, so we use this type of drawings ... ]




Talking a little about me. I love to read ( ancient theatre plays, police novels, fantasy stories ) to draw ( lots of dragons and mystical creatures, human lolitas with huge dresses full of rubans, etc. )

I like to listen to music at every moment of the day, I listen to old songs like Edith Piaf, some rock like the Beatles, or heavy metal like Rammstein or System of a Down, or sometimes Chiptune ( music made with sounds of old gameboys ).

I love Cinema, watching films too, I like Pirates of the Carribbean, American Pie, Saw, and Tim Burton films. My favourite actors are Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard and Kevin Mc Kidd.

I love the series Rome! It's actually on TV in France lmao. It is really realistic ( and I knew the Romans, you can trust me! ) but, just a thing I don't agree: Cesar dying dit not pronounce the cultissim sentence: "tu quoque mi fili" Meaning, "you too my son. " to Brutus, his adoptive son who comploted against him. Of course the real story has been modified but the lanscapes and character's dressing are like two millenaries ago ( anyway! )

I hate sports, I only watch le Tour de France on TV! *laugh*

 I like mangas! Negima, Berserk, Pandora Hearts, Ouran High School Host Club, Nana, and I am forgotting some; and my favourite anime is Noir ( see the video of the opening! *smile* ) Yes, I guess I am an Otaku...

I like video games too, like Pokemon and Final Fantasy ( but I am not a gamer! But the cake is a lie. Lmao ) and, yea, I love Lolcats! ( longcat iz loooonng ) - LULZ!!1!

I like many human things actually! *laugh* More seriously, I love science: chemy, physics, biology, archeology make my job ( I am a researcher in the Travia University where I teach too )





Status: Ill. My parotide (salivary gland right down the ear) is pregnant, I come back from the echography...

Thinking: What the hell am I going to eat tmrw?

 Pensée: Je sais que je suis un personnage en moi-même ( mwahhhahahaha! ) j'ai mon caractère, on me traite parfois de timbrée, et je mords c'est normal. *sourire énigmatique*

N.B. for trolls: I do not wear shoes because in real life, I hate to! *tongue out*





The Jabberwocky


T'was brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.




Lewis Carroll, Trough the Looking-glace







Want other ( and/or better ) dolls to see?

 => Lady  Sheeka  is that one... en  Rose  et  Noir ! She's French too, and we are friends 'in real life' ( find her in my friends ) I admit that shamefully she doesn't come usually, but her french doll is absolutely amazing!! *big eyes opened*

 =>  Mademoiselle-Blanche   is someone really great, she is a very generous girl, always talking with people and laughing :) and she is also French, and her doll is already fine, although she's quite new here *little smile*





Thank you for coming, if you want to vote for me, I will give it back! *gentle smile* ( no chance for that, my loft is a little... empty. lol )

I vote for my friends every day, so don't hesitate to ask me to add you!!


Dragonesques salutations.


 ~ ~ Isa ~ ~




Age Type City Country
80 years Woman Travia
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Dragonfly ( Android Lust ) Cow foot
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
black, purple & red Demon-Killer Rome (series) to Fly between white clouds

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