Έχετε ποτέ να συνειδητοποιήσει ακριβώς πόσο χρειάζεστε, έως ότου επέλθει ο θάνατος έχει έρθει και έλαβε μακριά σας ... για πάντα
"You never realize exactly how much you need her, until death has come and taken her away from you... forever"
- Jeremy Ryan Voltair
There's a piece of my heart missing... that tarah has taken with her, to that better place... that she always talked about...
She didn't deserve this.... nothing about her, made her ever have to die.
She was just... amazing.
I love her.
Even now that she's gone.
She has my heart... forever.
R.I.P Tarah Jean McCuiston 1993 - 2012
i really love you. I will for the rest of my life.
Age | Type | City | Country |
100 years | Man | ||
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