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+2 from Arlekinlain! :3
09/06/2024 à 18:17:46
03/03/2024 à 05:10:04
Let's get this show on the road, Let's get...
10/10/2016 à 00:24:17

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jupitermoon has 0 goodness points.







I come from MDD

Name: Verónica

Physical:  black hair, white skin, dark brown eyes.

Food: mexican, pizza, cheese

Hobbies: writing, daydream, singning, anime.

Likes: life, creativity, writing, excentric, the movies, cute stuff, strange stuff, original people, animals, stuffed animal, my fiance.

Dislikes: school, teaches, work, injustice, prejudice, hypocrecy, wasting time, fear, perfume, lying, being interrupted.

Personality: Quiet, shy, except when you get to know me, crazy, weird, original, sensitive, selfish, cold, creative, curious, patient, open minded, i like to repect people, happy and peaceful.










 I'm open to daily voting! If you want to exchange daily votes  just leave a comment or a private message!

 I like to vote back, so i always do. I always check my last 100 votes.

I don't usually leave comments when i vote.

If i run out of votes i will use my alternative accounts to return your votes, please check them out!

You can add me as a friend if you want, but please don't ask me to add you if you just met me, i add people that become my friends.

Don't steal my layout, took some effort so please make your own.







This Doll always have a princess outfit on, because that's her theme, each of my dolls has a theme, visit them if you want to know more about their styles, you can find them on the top. The condo of this doll is something oriental, arabian maybe, like Princess Jazmin.

Here is my Princess collection! 




Age Type City Country
38 years Woman Mexico Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Tarkan Rock, Pop Back to the Future Pizza
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Purple Writer The Big Bang Theory Write, Play online-games.

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