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~Friends are the Sunshine of Life! Votes and...
05/01/2024 à 03:27:59
~Today we went to a church bazaar. We bought a...
05/11/2023 à 03:10:17
~We went to a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade school...
02/11/2023 à 21:55:54
~Red, white and blue ... I love America's...
29/06/2023 à 03:11:39

Read all the com'z

karenfromfinance has 0 goodness points.

North Pole Adventurer



I apologize for not being able to commit to daily voting these past few weeks. I have a very hectic schedule and I'm still adjusting. You don't have to vote for me if you're a regular voter. I feel bad for not being able to return your votes. Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to get back to it. :) 


Hi! I'm Diane. I'm an active player. I started playing Oct/November last year (2018). I'm a silent (because I'm a bit busy at the moment) but regular voter. You can simply leave a comment, or just vote directly. I return every single vote I get. 

Sometimes I leave votes because I really like the dolls and lofts. I don't vote simply because I expect people to vote me back. :)


These are my other accounts: 



P.S. I would also like to thank everyone for giving me gifts. I really really appreciate it! Thanks for leaving comments as well. I feel bad because I really can't spend more time leaving comments back. What a nice community! You guys are one of the reasons why I am still active here. :)


Age Type City Country
26 years Woman UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Tom Hiddlesbum Khalid CMBYN Japanese and Korean
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
blue and white makeup artist SNL sleeping

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