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kisskiss has 0 goodness points.




I am who I am and s*** don’t phase me. I believe what I believe and I live for the moment I have NO regrets and I take life one hour at a time. i am a self harmer and that is one of my faults. I am BI I also have a girlfriend that I am very much in love with. I am 15 f****** years old and who gives a dam about the day I "blow the candles out" I am a WWE diva in training...don’t believe me? Call my agent he'd love to tell the non-believers. Like I said s*** don’t phase me. Love me or hate me, I couldn’t give a dam about your opinion. I can be a really chill girl until you give me a reason to be a b**** and then I’ll have you wishing you were never born. Don’t like me? That’s fine no one said you had to. I am one of those people who NEVER gives up on you no matter the cir***stances. I am the friend for life type. And for all of you ***es that would like a proof pic; suck my non-existent di**. i am not putting pictures of me online nor am I doing "look a likes" no one looks like me because I am not a perfect enough emo to have a look a like. sue me. Still hate me'? That’s okay. I would ask you to vote but most of you wont so that’s that. Hit me up. Peace




Age Type City Country
30 years Woman Las Vegas US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Criss Angel rap hiphop rock ect.. titanic pickels
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
black hot pink bright orange wwe diva (living my dream) teen mom dance

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