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+2 from Arlekinlain! :3
09/06/2024 à 18:22:39

Read all the com'z

lady-karma has 220 goodness points.

Guardian of the tree

Ohhh... I am officially in love!  Can you say Amethyst?


[ Welcome to my FAIRY FOREST [

I wish I could say this account was another MDD "do-over"... if it was, LadyKarma would live in the actual Forest Room.  I thought the Forest Room was "magical", it is the one room that I had to spend real money to get... money that I gladly spent, and sadly lost =(

 Of all the adventure rooms players have requested, the Forest Room seems to be at the top of the list.  Ask and ye shall receive (maybe)!  It seems that we may get a chance to regain some lost rooms... whether the Forest Room numbers among them, only time will tell.

From the beginning, it was my intention to try to recreate an enchanted forest (the key word being "try"... very difficult to do without a Forest Room)!  To me, "karma" evokes a sense of the mystical, natural (and slightly esoteric) qualities that a Lady of the Forest would have.

One whimsical Fashion Week pond and 30 green fuzzy rugs later... I have finally managed to bring my creative vision to virtual life!  The endless layers, and even more endless hours, made this design particularly challenging!  That being said, LadyKarma's forest home is largely complete... with just odds & ends to be added as they are acquired (cute & cuddly critters, ***orted plants, and the omnipresent daisy cover).  One thing is certain... plants and animals do not come cheap (o.O)!

Yes, I built a castle out of bathrugs... LOL!  I am hoping that future items will allow me to improve upon this :P  I am open to suggestion, if you have a more "conventional" idea.  Keep in mind the color of the brick towers... which limits the choices!

It occurs to me (belatedly) that the reason I did NOT use the tan Cannes panels (the obvious choice) is that we did not yet have the rotation tool.  *pauses & ponders* Hmmm... so when exactly does Cannes come back???

So back to saving & spending I go... I hope that you enjoy spending time in my fairy forest home ^.^ 

LadyKarma is the Lady of the Forest... to visit the Lady of the Castle, click here:



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