hi im the biggest fan ever of justin bieber cuase he is so cute and i love every thing about him like: his hair, and every thing about him<3 he is adorable, and im a fan of 1 direction , kian lawley and sam pottrof 2,if u want
to know more about me just ask meXD :P!
now im sick cuz i have the bieber fever
and btw im a big belieber +directioner :)
I met Austin mahone at the 3rd of march 2013have a good day :)
and by the way vote 4 me pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllz !!
Age | Type | City | Country |
25 years | Woman | Dubai | Other |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
justin bieber❤❤❤ | all of his music | never say never,...... | strawberry |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
pink,white and purpel | ballerina | ellen | swimming, riding, ballet |