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Your doll is verrry cute <3 Can you please...
26/04/2017 à 07:32:58

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mimi093 has 0 goodness points.


{#applau} Hi Everybod! {#applau}


  ~*~ Welcome in my worl:) ~*~    


My name is Emilie ! :)


Im 17 years old and my birthday is the 12/25 :)


I live in France & i'm in love with AmeRica   <3




I love reading, writing, singing and listening to music, laughing and going out with my friends or my mother, especially to do some shopping or to go to the theatre :)



I am a fan of Taylor Swift and Jane Austen. Mr Darcy is my charming prince without the white horse, but still - he makes me dream so badly ! {#love}


I am really curious about everything so let me discover your world ! {#magic}


I am currently studying English in a french college. My aim ? To be a French teacher in America ! {#applau}


I am also playing on the french site.

I have 2 dollz : mimi093emiliejoliedu93  :)





I don’t know what to say .. so if you have any question, please send me a private message and just ask :)


 ~*~ Hope you enjoyed your coming !!! :) ~*~




{#lvers} See ya !!!! {#lvers}




Age Type City Country
30 years Woman Somewhere ... Other
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Bruno Mars, ... Pride and Prejudice, Bridge to Terabithia Hummmmm, CHOCOLATE !! x3
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
All of them !!! Teacher, Princess or Clown Don't Forget the Lyrics Reading, Writing, OMD, Watching movies

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