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**Sorry I have not been able to play regularly and return votes. Right now I'm not sure how often I can play...hopefully that will change soon. Thank you for your understanding.** {#intr}


I am, admittedly, a crazy old cat lady. My cats are my sanity.

I have an auto-immune disease....Crohn's Disease....that prevents me from being able to work for the time being. I have been in some medical studies for my disease and I'm currently getting ready to begin a new one after the latest one didn't produce the desired improvements/results. My cats and my games are what keep my spirits up. I am single by choice....I feel I come with too much baggage and am too high maintenance due to my health issues and it's not fair to ask anyone to take that on. So it's a good thing I already had the crazy cat lady in me to begin with! {#love} {#dollgifsorciere}  


There was a time when people would have considered me weird and immature for playing games like this at my age, but luckily that seems to be much more normal and accepted these days. Good thing since I will always be a kid at heart in many ways.

I am a little technologically challenged so when I figure out how to fancy this up and add pictures and stuff I will do that. {#applau} For now a few emojis are the best I can do.

I am shy and socially awkward but I love making new friends! I'll try to return votes in a timely manner but some days I'm not online for very long and it might take a day or two before I return votes....please be patient with me....I promise I will return them!! 


Always remember:

When it rains, look for rainbows....

When it's dark, look for stars....

Age Type City Country
100 years Woman Las Vegas US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
MB20, Rob Thomas, BTS, Blackpink, Got7, TheBoyz Becoming Jane, 17 Again all of it, lol
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Blue Bones, I'm Sorry, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Ancient Aliens, Superstore Reading, gaming, some arts and crafts

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