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moonie has 0 goodness points.


I love seeing all the different dolls and lofts and voting the interesting ones.


But whats with all the "if you go on my site you must vote for me and give gift and comment"? I dont have to vote anyone. Noone has to vote me if they dont want.


I love contests were you draw something or make ideas. I dont like contests where all you do is vote to get points. 




I would like to create dresses or acessoirs myself but theres no info on how to do that. What a pity, so few people using the board!



 I finally made it to rank 2 in dancing! Time to do some flirting now.


Okay, i'm criushed. I almost caught enough fishies for the pretty mermaid costume, but didnt make it in time. No shiny blue scales for me! 

Age Type City Country
34 years Woman
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Jame Lee Curtis Poets of the Fall Lord of the Rings Chinese
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
green actress True Blood Running

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