Hello. I'm Diamond & I will fix this later. (;
Ehhhh... Hai y'all my name is Angieeee and I love you. Heheheh Not really. Just not the mean and stupid bthces...I dont take idiots. I'm single Im crazy and for some reason attatched to nerds. Im one my self. I have confidence. Im not that pretty but I dont give a f*ck. AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU. Tired of people calling people ugly. Everybody is pretty in their own way. So talk to me.... But don't steal me xD
Status: Fuuck hoes. -_-
P.S. For all the hoes and horees that call me fake fuuck off because you just trying to get me off this site which makes no sense to waste time to do so fuuck and go fuuck your "boyfriends" or "girlfriends" cause i dont have time fore ur bullsheit :) Nothing harsh just a Fyi. Biitchess
Age | Type | City | Country |
100 years | Woman | Sesame Street :3 | US |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
To many to list... | Hip-Hop | All Madea Movies | Hot Fries |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
Purple ^-^ and Red Velvet | Ummmmm... | Spongebob | Singing |