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''Then the devil within me awoke from the body of an angel.''

 Votes given from this account are from Melodie2. (click on name to visit her.)

 Votes given to any of my alternate accounts are appreciated but not returned.


 This account is a fallen angel themed acount.

 Her friend/sister account is Melodie22 (not to be confused with my main account. Click on name or visit my friends list to visit.)

 I only actually made this account after I completed my angel/goddess themed account (aka. Melodie22). I thought I'd go for a little twist and go for a darker theme. I'm not one to make dolls and rooms with dark colours or themes, so I thought this would be quite interesting xD 

 Oriens is a fallen angel from the heavens. She is not an actual fallen angel though. This is pretty much made up.

 The name of this account was actually taken from a card I collected in a app store card game xD (yeah, I'm not creative when it comes to names.)








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29 years Woman
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