Selena Gomez's fan 😍
Switzerland & Albania 📍
I am Rinesa Shaqiri 🙆
My sister in real life is Learta : lea-james 👯
I speak a little english cause my father live in New York, and i go all years for see his. ✈
I speak French & Albanian 💋
Les français ou Albanais venez me parler svp jme sens grv dans la solitude ! Thx flm mrc 💜
I'm in NYC now. Who is here ? I wanna meet person ☺
Age | Type | City | Country |
24 years | Woman | London | UK |
Favorite celebrity | Favorite music | Favorite movie | Favorite food |
Neymar | La la la ( Shakira ) | Mcdoooo | |
Favorite colour | My dreamjob | Favorite show | Favorite hobby |
Piiiiink :) | Football :') | World Cup | Dance and foot :)) |