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+2 from Arlekinlain! :3
09/06/2024 à 18:06:26
+2 from Arlekinlain! Springtime whispers in the...
07/03/2024 à 18:31:16
Blooms and butterflies usher in the spring.
03/03/2024 à 04:49:08
Sunday morning votes and warm hugz from Cook...
27/05/2018 à 13:49:16

Read all the com'z

shamrock96 has 59 goodness points.

Christmas Fairy

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Hello! {#bisou}
 You can call me Ti {#aomd_bisous}
Wednesday votes (04/12/17) have been given!
Attention daily voters:
With finals coming up, I don't have the time to vote until the first week of May. Plus I still have to return votes from the days listed below that I missed. I'll be logging on to make up all of the votes I've missed, so please stop voting for me in the meantime 
So Sorry I haven't been voting >.< 
I'll be returning votes with alts (Bing334 & Frank1e96) for the next several days to make up for 3/14 - 3/18 and 3/21-3/23 and 3/25, 3/29, 4/1, 4/3-4/11

I've been doing yoga with a friend of mine three days a week. I find myself more relaxed and awake afterwards~

I'm taking molecular cell biology, microbiology, and my second semester of organic chemistry and physics.
Thank you Sierradane for the 10,000th lifetime votes! {#bisou}

I wrote a letter to a guy who works at the animal shelter where I volunteer about my feelings for him. I tried to give it to another worker to give to him, but I found out he only was there temporarily.. while doing community service on probation {#intr}

1/10 Today we said goodbye to our 15 year old shih-tzu, Frankie. He was believed to have dementia; he shook and would look around as if he were lost, had to be pushed to eat, and overall didn't seem comfortable with us anymore. He is with Shamrock and Bing now..
Cl@sses began for me on Monday 1/9!

Rest in Peace, Shamrock

 Thank you Julieanne1976 for the flowers during a difficult time with my dog ♥

Special thanks to Aluralegend for the birthday gifts and Afna for the following image!! {#star}

Some Facts About Me:

I currently have four dogs
I volunteer at my local animal shelter, usually bi-weekly
I'm from New York
I'm in my second year at UCF
I have a job as a Teacher's @ssistant 
I studied Italian for 5 years
My birthday is December 29th
I am lactose intolerant, but milk is one of my favorite drinks
Some of my other favorite drinks are apple juice,
Dr. Pepper & Mr. Pibb
My favorite sweet is Guylian Belgian chocolate {#magic}
I've been playing OMD since November 30th 2010 and before that I played MDD

{#aomd_bisous}Daily Voting   {#bisou}
Feel free to PM me asking to exchange votes with me!

Please PM me if you aren't listed!

Taking a break from voting:

Let me know when you return! ^_^


{#star} Gifts {#star}

Some of the mail with the gifts I received I deleted before adding to this list D: I apologize, but to everyone who has sent me a gift, I truly appreciate it! I usually try to send one back ♥
I have 134 gift certificates, so I don't mind if you ask for a bunch of gifts ☺
Thank you for the bat/pumppkin candy holder Joyceeileen!
 Thank you Julieanne1976 for the flowers during a difficult time with my dog ♥
 Thank you Arlekinlain for the cat slippers! They're very cute! The grey ones were my favorite out of the different color options
Thank you very much Sierradane for the bears, cat stocking and elf! I love the cabin room most and they go nicely there. I also love stuffed animals a lot, I have a huge collection that unfortunatley is mostly in the attic since they can't all fit in my bedroom (in real life)

Thank you Aluralegend for the bunnies,  Birthday and Christmas gifts!
 Thanks Lunar2228!!
 Thank you Sparklehearts!!
Thank you Zarinen! I have the hat on the snake model in the Magic Room and the reindeer plush in the New York room
 Thank you xLollipopBunnyx for the hat and Christmas tree! I love the whole month of December because of the holiday music and the memories it brings back

Books that I recommend reading
The Trial- Franz Kafka
1984- George Orwell
Great Expectations- Charles Di ckens
To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee
The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho

Age Type City Country
29 years Woman Florida US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Holiday music John Wick Omelettes
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Teal Researcher Steven Universe Badminton, Video Games

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