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21/10/2018 à 02:19:56
Friday votes and my daily votes will stop...
31/08/2012 à 13:45:44
Dailies from Eliisa :]
30/08/2012 à 22:46:23
thursday votes but still if you don't vot back...
30/08/2012 à 16:55:44

Read all the com'z

simibby has 1 goodness points.

Top model





- Well hello there :P

I'm one of them clever girls who love to read. I mean whats better than after a crazy day with your mates getting cozy in bed drinkin hot chocolate and reading romantic and horror books? I'm someone who stresses over her exams because they have gave meaning to me. Becoming a successfull woman who can stand up on her own two little feet (when i mean little i mean tiny- size 4 literally:P) and become a well respected girl. I'm not dependent on anyone, even my mum. It's just a part of me i guess, no matter what i can't change it. Thats only one side of me, the other side of me is completely different ;P

socialising, texting, facebook, going out with my mates, going to parties, staying up late, doing what i shouldnt be.

The truth is you live life once, so youv got to live it right and have some fun right ;)

I'm a great gossipor and i love keepin up with the latest gossip. I'm a flippin chatterbox haha, i can just go on and on with myself-.-

Love giving others my company, they either laugh at me or with me, either way im funny :P 



- The most important person to me in the world is my mum. Love my mum soooo much, she still loves me and cares about me even after all the things iv done to her! <3











'Truth is everyones going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones suffering for' ...


Want to chat? Just message me ^^


Age Type City Country
29 years Woman just ask? UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
cant decide >, the wanted too many pizza
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
blue and white lawyer britains got talent ermm

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