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12/06/2015 à 21:37:31
well i actually dont live with my rents...
11/06/2015 à 23:44:48
:) dogs are so weird!!! :p i guess thats why we...
10/06/2015 à 23:07:32
Haha! After a bath one curls into a ball n lays...
09/06/2015 à 22:01:37

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Hello! Thank you very much for visiting me and/or voting for me! I'm open for daily voters (also returning the votes) just message me :) Here's a small introduction of myself;

Note: Page is under heavy construction.

- Are you religious?
Not really, but I'm Christened, it wasn't my choice.

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Introvert, shy, caring (or so they say).


- Do you have any pets?
I have 3 chihuahua's (2 short-hair and one mid-long haired) and a bunch of fish lol

- Microsoft or Apple or Linux?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Meh, not really into sports but I like to take strolls in the woods.

- Do you get angry easily?
Sometimes, it depends.

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Nope, but I would like to have a tattoo later on my right shoulder blade.

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
S3RL, (sometimes) pop (depends on the song), BVB, etc.

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
More into Nightcore but I also listen to rock.

- Ever gone camping?
Nope, unfortunately :(

- Ever been in love?
Let me think... -scratches head- I guess small crush in 5th grade....Elementary... does that also count? lol 


- Ever used fake tan?
Yes a few times on my feet, I had these shoes, they were open but with cross straps, the sun tanned my feet and left cross i had to conceal them lol
- Which countries have you visited?
UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania, France, Poland.

- Favourite city?
Canterbury, UK

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Bones, Martin & Monita, Supernatural, The Simpsons, Paranormal Witness

- List your five favourite films.
Pride and Prejudice, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Mummy (all of them), Rush Hour (all of them), Over Her Dead Body

- Are you wealthy?
Not sure what you consider as wealthy, you can be wealthy in Emotional aspect but also in Materialistic aspect...

- Do you work? If so, as what?
Currently studying orthopedagogy.

- What do you like most about yourself?
Sometimes, I get sudden bursts of energy which give me random moods, it always cheer a lot of people up when I get them but that occurs very rarely.{#intr}

- What do you like least about yourself?
I get very emotional very easily and tend to take things personal too fast... 

Age Type City Country
28 years Woman UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Nightcore Pride and Prejudice Sushi
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Red, Black, Purple depends Bones

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