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sunsetfairy has 0 goodness points.


I feel really old. I just decided to come back onto this website after maybe a few years on and off. I joined several years back when MyDivaDollz was no longer a website and now I am 18 years old and about to start my second semester of college. Talk about feeling old!(Lol not really but for having been on this website for so long) I've really appreciated how this website has shaped my youth. I loved embracing my sense of style and talking to people who were equally obsessed with creating this fashion fantasy. Honestly, I am not as devoted, as I can see many of my friends have consistently made an effort to level up and style up their dolls and many are now moderators. I remember being so young but involved in this community and wanting to be a moderator (I just thought it was the coolest thing ever!) I just became consumed with the outside world. In no way am I saying that this outlet is not important, but I committed myself to other activities I felt just as, if not more p***ionate about. Now, I don't know who will comment or message me or even remember this account, but I want to share how much I've grown and be much more transparent because I felt when I first joined at such a young age, I tried to hide behind a screen and lie about who I truly was. I hope someone will notice I've come back and now that I've matured, want to know who I've came to be.

Age Type City Country
26 years Woman Shawnee US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
worship & rap, odd combo? Rn it's Rogue One uncured gluten free bacon mac n cheese
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
maroon and teal Personal Relations Parks and Recreation cuddling and watching netflix w my bf

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