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undeadmelody has 2 goodness points.


Time waits for no-one.

Life is like reading a manga. You need to keep going.

Don't just mindlessly judge people as you please.

''You are peculiar'' - ''I take that as a compliment''

Always wear your invisible crown!

Hello there wonderful! I hope your day's been great so far, if not then hey, cheer up and watch a bit of anime aye ;)

My nickname's Mel (you might have got that from my username) and I don't mind if you call me that. I'm also turning 15 this August and I'll be going into college soon.

I dont spend that much time on this as I have other games such as, MyCandyLove and MovieStarPlanet to log into, but I do come on here when I get bored. 

I don't really like chatting on this, but I guess it depends on what mood I am in as I sometimes can't stop talking. I'm quite friendly though <3

My favourite bands include:


Bring Me Tthe Horizon

Sleeping With Sirens

But my all time favourite solo singer is LANA DEL REY <33

{#love} Admit it... anime guys are better than real life ones {#love}

Anyway, I return votes if you leave a comment in the comments section.

Age Type City Country
24 years Woman Preston UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Johny Depp & Oliver Sykes Anything with meaningful lyrics The Butterfly Effect Pizza
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Don't have one Not quite sure yet Don't watch TV, but animes are amazing Gaming, watching animes and reading

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