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wolfkiara10 has 1 goodness points.


 Whats up everyone!!!!!!!

I own Wolfgirlkiara, Cherryrose10, Sakura-haruno10, and Cherryrosez

who am I you ask well

im Kiara!!!!!!!!

I came to this earth on Dec. 3         

 I got those moves like Jagger!

I am also a member of Fanfiction. My name on there is: Cherryrose10

Im a member of MDD my old name was stacy10 :3

Im not very mean, but I can become mean

 Things you can know about me is?!?!?!?!?! 

 Im funny(MU LA LA LA)

or you can say random (like my friends say:)

Im very random I i dont know why it's just that WAIT I WANT PIE! BRING ME PIE OR BRING ME DEATH!!!

Yes I am a smart-butt but I just love to be smart at times xD

Im very crazy at times (lets run in the street when a car is coming down it :3)

I have a spilt personitly

I love this face to death :3


(PINK IS FOR SUNSHINE Black is for Killer!)

I Love Fashion. But my fashion be werid. Ex: Nerdy and goth mix

I live life to the fullest!

 I am a member of the Akatsuki !

Oh and I almost forgot im half wolf and half angel

Im not like most wolves who kill you at sight

Im nice}just dont get on my bad side!{

I give my good friends nicknames!


I have ADOPT Sakura Haruno thanks adopt-a-chibi


I love to draw and im a artist so people call me??!!?!?!?

Go to this website to see my art : < href="">

 I Love Blood Shatter

So thats me what about you

And be nice!

When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you. If you are the 10% that care post this on your page

* Are not cry babies 
*Do not Always Wear Black 
* Can Be Very nice people 
* Do not Always Cut themselves 
* Are Not Always depressed 
* Can Be happy too 
*Are normal people just like you 
(Put this on your profile if you AGREE With This.)








ME-  by wolfkiara10 

I stay under the full moon. Falling from the hope of having a normal life. I stay with my father. I was born that wolf you would see in stories.I was that wolf you would wanna kill. I was that wolf you would run away or never feel for the pain. I was that wolf you can kill with a silver bullet. But you cant because im already dead. I still roam the earth as a normal wolf would. But I have a side.That wont show my wolf side. Where i can see into the heavens. Where i can fly to my mother. The sunlight that wont hurt me. The fullness of joyfullness and happiness. Where i can spread my white wings and fly.  The vison of people humans saying hello or how are you. But that whats me different. But down the path of meaness and unfairness is hell. Where i will never be. Where you only see flames. where you can only feel the pain you felt all in one. Like losing someone very close to you. That way I wont go. I will stand in the moon shine. While my father hunts. Where my mother smiles. I guess this is me.  I was born that wolf you would see in stories.I was that wolf you would wanna kill. I was that wolf you would run away or never feel for the pain. I was that wolf you wanna kill with a silver bullet. But hey I will enjoy it anyway.


One day, a black man walked in to a cafe early in the morning and noticed he is the only black person in there. As he sat down he noticed a white man that sat down behind him and this man said "Coloured people are not allowed in here!
The black man replied:



"When i was born, i was black.


As I grew up, I was black.


When I am sick, I am black


When I am in the sun, I'm black.


When I'm cold, I am black.


When I die, I'll gonna still be black. But you, sir...


When you were born, you were pink,


When you are sick, you turn green,


When you stay too long under the sun, you turn red.


When you are cold, you get blue.


And when you die, you will be purple.


And yet you have the nerve to call me 'coloured'." - and the black man turned around and the white man walked away.



Before Marriage- 

Boy: I have been waiting for this day. 

Girl: Do u want me to leave?? 

Boy: NO!!!! 

Girl: Do u love me? 

Boy: Of Course 

Girl: Will u ever cheat on me?? 

Boy: Never in my life 

Girl: Will u ever kiss me? 

Boy: Every chance i get 

Girl: Will u hit me?? 

Boy: Are u crazzy..! 

Girl: Can i trust u?? 

Boy: Yes..!! 

Girl: Sweet Heart..! 

-After Marriage- 

(now read from bottom to top)< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >



WolfKiara10 Sign Off~

Age Type City Country
26 years Woman Chicago Team Chi-Town US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Almost all of them almost everything Alot -.- Anything that is not spicy. But susi
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
PINK! and Black artist or designer I have very many....... Drawing I guess

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