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This week
19/12/2013 à 18:25:37
Voted with Jaz3.
17/12/2013 à 17:48:23
Who thought I'd ever want veg over candy? =p So...
05/11/2013 à 08:28:27

Read all the com'z

xdarksunx has 12 goodness points.


Flowers and nature dividerFlowers and nature divider



Flowers and nature dividerFlowers and nature divider


|Side Notes|


I'm open to daily voting, so just PM me if you want to exchange votes!

-My rooms are still under co. so bare with me! :) -

While all votes are appreciated, please vote properly or not at all! I will not vote back to single votes, sorry for any inconvenience caused :) 

My alt account:



Flowers and nature dividerFlowers and nature divider


About me...

 Well, as you can see, my name is xdarksunx :P There's not much to know about me, but here are a few highlights...I love music (but doesn't everyone?) and I only really listen to rock, metal and darkwave. Some of my favourite bands are Black Veil Brides, William Control and Shinedown! If you haven't already, you should definitely give them a chance :)I'm a complete sucker for most zombie movies, but I basically like anything sci-fi ;) My favourites are I am Legend, Warm Bodies and World War Z, they're all great in their own ways and are worth watching.And finally...Some randomness :P I love hedgehogs and bears and koalas, and while I'm not some specific style, I only really wear dark colours. I'm friendly, quiet, but don't underestimate me, I'm big on words and can definitely argue my own battles!


Flowers and nature dividerFlowers and nature divider

Thanks to everyone who gave me wonderful gifts!

 xbexyboox - thanks for the red fowers 

 rastabutter - thanks for the certificate 

 ravenette - thanks for the  cactus 

  themoondark -thanks for the pretty sunflowers 

Flowers and nature dividerFlowers and nature divider










Flowers and nature dividerFlowers and nature divider

Age Type City Country
26 years Woman UK
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Andy Biersack Rock/Metal I am Legend Hmm....
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
Beige/Navy Meteorology/Astronomy Too many to count.... If only I knew :)

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