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#1 2018-06-08 19:57:31

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

[Replay] Important: Bug Correction

Hello dollz!

After a bug, the Broadway room of the quest replay ?Launch your musical in Broadway!? has been replaced by the Theater room and its extension.

We noticed it, and the problem is more important than seemed.

All the players that ALREADY have the Broadway room AND did this morning only 1 ending of the replay of the quest, lost a oarte if their Broadway room or saw it changing.

Choose one of the two endings and don’t end the replay to ?overwrite? your previous choice :/ this should have not happened, but the configuration of the Broadway room is unique on OMD.

All the players that owned Broadway BEFORE the replay and ENDED ONE OF THE ENDING OF THE REPLAY this morning before 2:30pm are invited to contact the support to obtain the right room.

Only the ones that didn’t have yet Broadway before this morning or never id the quest aren’t concerned.

Exceptionally, the Broadway room (in two pieces) has been retired from this replay and replaced by the Theater room and its extension. If you did the replay after 2:30pm, you get the Theater and its extension if you already own it.

Please excuse us for this inconvenience.

Good weekend to all of you!


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