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#1 2014-02-12 20:46:37

Registered: 2010-03-11
Posts: 54

Recent past Loft winners!

Since there is a hot debate topic on the Fashion Show winners-and the bugs that let them keep winning, I thought I would go back and look at Loft winners.

The following is the week date of the LOFT show and its winner  (Congrats to all!)

2/3/14     Lionesslady
1/20/14   Triskell
1/6/14     Silverstarshine  (ME!) (and I'm not going to even attempt to enter for 6 mos.)
12/23/14  roseaddict
12/9/13   awesomeness9
11/25/13  kikizmaj
11/11/13  ladyarah
10/28/13  Laurelali
10/14/13  domina55
9/30/13   Ribbonheart  !!!!!!

I think the LOFT had been okay. Not sure of any bugs.

there is a topic on the fashion show winners on one or more of the posts.  maybe they could do a thread like this.

Unshared joy is an unlighted candle. -Spanish Proverb


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