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#1 30-06-2018 20:45:23

From: México
Registered: 2016
Posts: 20

Item spam in my inventory!

So, i noticed this problem some months ago, and i thought to myself ''Well its no biggy, i can remove them one by one'', but no... cause there are just to many objects and it feels that i will never get rid of them ¡it goes about 45 pages with 105 items each!

I need serious help pls :pleur:

#2 30-06-2018 21:11:39

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010
Posts: 742

Re: Item spam in my inventory!

You, sadly, have to delete them yourself. This was a known bug when the game's team handed out prizes for the fairies you collected last year during the Summer event leading up to Sarah's birthday.

What I did with a lot of mine is turn them into sewing creations. Like that mermaid tale? I made that into a sea outfit which you can check out in my Aquarium Room - the outfit would have cost me  $3000 if I had copied it, which goes to show you how many of those tails I got rid of by putting them together.

You can look at my thread "Your Sewing Creations" in Doll Discussions for more ideas.

Last edited by lady0filia (30-06-2018 21:15:40)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#3 10-07-2018 01:46:52

From: México
Registered: 2016
Posts: 20

Re: Item spam in my inventory!

Thank you Lady0filia !!


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