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#1 06-11-2021 20:10:08

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3283

Angel or Demon Quest

from 2011

Hello dollz

On this particular day, we offer you the return of two quests on the celestial theme of angels. Enter the world of this exceptional “profession”!

The new expansion of the piece Paradis is available.

For a few days, take advantage of the return of these quests to do the ones you missed, or redo the ones you loved!

This week OhMyDollz takes you between heaven and earth… Or rather between Heaven and Hell, we should say!

The quest “Angel or Demon? »From 2011

Have you ever dreamed of being an angel, watching over people, being their "lucky star" and helping them without their knowledge? Play as a young apprentice angel and experience an angelic and demonic adventure!

During this double-ended quest , you will be able to earn the Angel and Demon professions.
The Angel profession will bring you 5 $$$ + 1 gift voucher per day.
The Demon profession will earn you 5 $$$ + 1 OhMyGames token per day.

There are no questions and answers with this quest nor are there any rooms won.

This is taken from the blog:

Last edited by sierradane (06-11-2021 20:20:42)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna


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