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#1 03-06-2011 10:40:22

Registered: 2007
Posts: 1208

Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

Hi dollz !

New content awaits you on OhMyDollz !

First of all, why not start your day by a small shopping spree?!

Exceptionally -30% on all items in the Cannes Store before its closure!

Check out our brand new OhMyDollz test!

Answer 10 questions and discover who you really are!

Each personality corresponds to a number of exclusive rewards!

A test costs 49$! The more you do tests, the less expensive it will be so do not hesitate to try!

(49$ then 39$, 29$, 19$ and finally 10$! )

Caution: Pay close attention to your answers when you decide to do the test several times!

Otherwise, you might simply win the same gifts!

So, who are you really?

Discover your true nature on OhMyDollz and win several prizes!

The test is available until the 3rd of July/noon (french time)!

Have fun on OhMyDollz !

#2 03-06-2011 12:46:53

From: 샐러드
Registered: 2010
Posts: 2641

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

Mode Edit: Word edited out, and I thought this was for free..
Oh well.

#3 03-06-2011 12:47:35

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3284

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

A new version (I think) of a wardrobe... you get 5 gifts and it costs MORE DB.  You have to spend 136 DB just to be able to spend "only" 10 DB.  This is something that I won't be doing.  That's just my personal opinion.

Last edited by sierradane (03-06-2011 12:48:54)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 03-06-2011 14:01:37

From: ♫ PinkMe Land ♫
Registered: 2010
Posts: 814

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I won't be doing this test.. The cost are so high!

#5 03-06-2011 16:27:40

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1562

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I did it only for cheetah.
Sporty items - squares


#6 03-06-2011 16:40:25

Ancien joueur wolfesore

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I want to know how the rebel one looks like. Anyone got it ?


#7 03-06-2011 17:21:27

Registered: 2010
Posts: 31

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

You can see the items under the test questions.
I've finished all of them with firesky, so here is a rough guide:

You have a majority of You, my friend, are 100% trendy!

You have a majority of : You, my friend, are Totally Sporty!

You have a majority of : You, my friend, are a Nature lover!

You have a majority of : You, my friend, are the awesome friend!

You have a majority of : You, my friend, are a rebel!


#8 03-06-2011 20:54:00

Registered: 2010
Posts: 219

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

sierradane wrote:

A new version (I think) of a wardrobe... you get 5 gifts and it costs MORE DB.  You have to spend 136 DB just to be able to spend "only" 10 DB.  This is something that I won't be doing.  That's just my personal opinion.

Going by the prize pictures above:
  Total items for all quizzes: 29
  5 items @ 49$$ = ~10$$ ea   (<-- worst case first)
  11 items @ (49 + 39)$$ = 88/11 . ..................= 8$$ ea
  17 items @ (49 + 39 + 29)$$ = 117/17 ............= ~6.8$$ ea
  23 items @ (49 + 39 + 29 +19)$$ = 136/23 .......= ~5.9$$ea
  29 items @ (49 + 39 + 29 + 19 + 10)$$ = 146/29 = ~5$$ea
/edit/ was going up by 5s -_-; fixed, which makes the numbers better//

Just looking at the final total is one thing. Some of this is deciding that all the pieces are worth the cost you are willing to play. If you don't like a piece, it doesn't count. So if you didn't like the shoes of one set, and the jacket of the other, in that second tier you would re-calculate 88/9 = ~10$$

BUT since we can repeat... Once you get to the 10$$ level, you get a new set at ~2$$  a piece. So if you wanted (not sure why, but as an example) All the sets, plus 5 more copies of the rebel set: That's 29 + 30 items @ 146 + 50  == 196/59  for 3.3$$ an item.

Yeah math rant over, I'm just tired of people saying 'too expensive! Not gunna'.
Cost is one thing. Value another.

Next order of business:::

Canine - 2
Big Cat - 1
Baby Herd-beast - 1
Reptile - 1

Yeah, I know my categories are kind of odd, especially for the fawn, but wasn't sure if baby animal would have been right either.

Eh, sorry, this is a bit of a complaint about lack of kitties.

Yes, I realize that the cheetah is a feline, but it is NOT the same. Big cats are species that do not domesticate well, or you might think of them as the species that can kill humans.

I do NOT like dogs. Have a mild case of Cynophobia (Fear of Dogs). I can deal, but I do not want too. Most of the time I do not even find them cute.

I know there are a lot of dog lovers out there, but why can't there be a bit more equality with the pets? If adventures have pets (and not 'animal friends') they are more likely to be a dog. I'm pretty sure that some of the adventures that have had canines and felines, have had a ratio of at least 2:1. I'm probably going to go back and double check for sure now (but I won't it post here, if at all.)

Just more kitties... please?

Last edited by orangemaid (04-06-2011 03:14:08)


#9 03-06-2011 21:44:51

Registered: 2010
Posts: 392

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I might do it, I rally like the Cheetah. Thanks for the guide summerspirit!


#10 03-06-2011 22:18:10

Registered: 2010
Posts: 218

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

Hmmm for something that costs 49 bucks for the first step, the clothes are mediocre. Disappointing. I'd rather save up for something from the regular shops.

#11 03-06-2011 22:53:12

Registered: 2010
Posts: 229

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

ruealice wrote:

Hmmm for something that costs 49 bucks for the first step, the clothes are mediocre. Disappointing. I'd rather save up for something from the regular shops.

I agree


#12 03-06-2011 23:35:52

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2124

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

ruealice wrote:

Hmmm for something that costs 49 bucks for the first step, the clothes are mediocre. Disappointing. I'd rather save up for something from the regular shops.

I agree too. I'm not sure I'm going to bother.


#13 04-06-2011 03:24:48

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3015

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

ruealice wrote:

Hmmm for something that costs 49 bucks for the first step, the clothes are mediocre. Disappointing. I'd rather save up for something from the regular shops.

i agree as well.
as long as i only liked 3 items(from different sets each) i don't belive it's worth it. i think i'll save bucks for the next temporary quest and buy other items instead
HOWEVER i may change my mind by the end of the month...
by the way, thanks for the guide summerspirit

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#14 05-06-2011 04:39:00

From: City of Love
Registered: 2011
Posts: 384

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

ruealice wrote:

Hmmm for something that costs 49 bucks for the first step, the clothes are mediocre. Disappointing. I'd rather save up for something from the regular shops.

Totally agree, and sorry if I just don't like all offer

Beautiful comes from inside >3

#15 05-06-2011 13:21:39

Registered: 2011
Posts: 120

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

The costs are very high i agree,especialy if you are just starting out ..adventures are far more useful because you can actualy obtain a fairly good starter set for both your loft and doll in most cases when you complete one..on the other hand ( now that i have some of the items from the test ) i really like them..the nature set has a fabulous vintage dress i am going to wear many times, the jacket and shoes arnt half bad if you combine them well and the puppy from the trendy set is perfect for one of my dolls...and to be fair they are all free if you keep in mind no one forces you to pay real money here :) ..enjoy getting the things you really like or what suits you and ignore the rest thats on offer is your best bet..have fun!


#16 05-06-2011 14:08:34

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2124

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I decided to take a second look at the cost of the items after reading Orangemaid's post.

If you bought items from the store
Shoes/Boots cost around 10 $$$
Tops cost around 12 $$$ (x2)
Bottoms cost around 12 $$$
Necklaces cost around 5 $$$
Pets cost around 7 $$$

Average cost of an outfit with all these items is 58 $$$

So it's cheaper to get them from this even on the first go. I changed my mind. It isn't expensive at all.


#17 05-06-2011 17:28:21

From: China :3
Registered: 2010
Posts: 2585

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

It costs so high, but I still want it.

#18 05-06-2011 19:54:04

Registered: 2011
Posts: 120

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I think why the cost is seen as high is because in the store you choose the individual pieces you really like and put an outfit together with your own creativity, i am not a big fan of these pre matched clothing seems to go against the purpose of the would in my humble oppinion be much better if you had a lower cost and one piece rewards you can select, right now i paid 49$$ for one item and the rest is gathering dust in my attic

Last edited by lilysummers (05-06-2011 20:05:50)


#19 05-06-2011 22:21:33

Registered: 2010
Posts: 35

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

I agree if was at a lower price for those who can not pay with real money then it would be ok but they do not consider the none paying members here.I know no game does but only one thast i know of but i can not say anouther game on here.


#20 10-06-2011 19:47:44

From: The Demon Academy
Registered: 2010
Posts: 129

Re: Brand new Test on OhMyDollz!

anyamalfoy wrote:

I decided to take a second look at the cost of the items after reading Orangemaid's post.

If you bought items from the store
Shoes/Boots cost around 10 $$$
Tops cost around 12 $$$ (x2)
Bottoms cost around 12 $$$
Necklaces cost around 5 $$$
Pets cost around 7 $$$

Average cost of an outfit with all these items is 58 $$$

So it's cheaper to get them from this even on the first go. I changed my mind. It isn't expensive at all.

Actually,more realistic the price of a pair of shoes is somewhere around 8-10$$ and the price of a pair of boots is 12-18$$,thus making the average cost around 12-14$$,also the price of a dress varies from 20$$$ to 35$$$, thus and making the cost of an outfit go over 60$$$ easily.
Not to mention, for the first set, the jacket is rather exclusive. I challenge you to find something similar, in the shops.The closest,but not close enough,would be from the MJ outfits.Not to mention, the outfits are styled in the new style, similar to the one in the adventures.
My sole complaint would be the short time it lasts. I would rather they were permanent.

Last edited by jayellaai (14-06-2011 09:29:38)

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