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So I'm in an Summer Art Class (Teacher: Fernando B. Sena) and they're teaching us oil pastel coloring....
I'm absolutely dreadful at coloring, but some people say I'm pretty good. 'Course, those people are people I'm close to. So... I WANT YOU're opinion on it. =3
This one is a drawing of fruits... on a table... covered in cloth (The table not the fruits). It's actually copied from a painting made with watercolors.
This one is of orange blossoms (Supposedly since I've never actually seen an orange blossom in real life) in a slightly translucent vase.
Well, as the title says, Opinions Please?
seems real!! °.° :love:
Nice colouring job! I was always terrible at shading in art class, but you do a very good job of it!
Are you kidding??? You think this isn't good??? It's totally awesome!!! I love the fruits!! They look so real! and the flowers are amazing too!! and the vase!!
its absolutely awesome, i really like it, i would say more i really love them!!! :love:
These are waaay better than what I do. I always screw up but yours, they look perfect!!!
:OOOO! :love: i luv it!
woah, so real :love:
:love: woow they look so pretty! Those are awesome fruits!! And the cloth looks so soft and real :ok:
I used to take art classes too (waay, way back) and my teacher made me draw fruits and vases too :))) Oil Pastels are my favorite although it's often messy when I use them. But yours are so neat! :D
:magic: wow wonderful i loove them !!
Do you have other works? I'm hoping to see more 'cause your hands are so magical :magic:
Wow, I wish I could paint like you
Well, hello again.
Mr. Sena (My teacher) has just recently taught us watercolor-ing. (Which I've never successfully done before) and this is the outcome, waddya think?
(Pan brushes FTW!)
Oh, and I didn't post this last time but it's an abstract oil pastel painting of some vases.
Please comment on them (again)
P.S. If you wanna see some more of my stuff, check my dA (deviantArt ; username is in my sig) I post most of them there x3
Last edited by xemoxrockerx (28-05-2012 11:18:19)
:love: :love: :love: i looove the first alot , i love how you made the trees wow
and the abstract pastel is just :O wonderful !!
:love: there's got to be something extraordinary with your hands!!! they're so beautiful!!!!
ohhhw waterfall is so realistic!! :love: :good:
Bada ba ba baaa I'm lovin it!
*Rainbows come out of the mouth*